
Hledali jste: 5,5,5-Trifluoropentan-1-ol

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Dodavatel: Apollo Scientific
Popis: 5,5,5-Trifluoropentan-1-ol

Dodavatel: Apollo Scientific
Popis: 5,5,5-Trifluoropentan-2-ol

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Dodavatel: Apollo Scientific
Popis: 5,5,5-Trifluoropentan-2-one 98%

Dodavatel: Apollo Scientific
Popis: 5-Iodo-1,1,1-trifluoropentane 95%

Dodavatel: Apollo Scientific
Popis: 5-Bromo-1,1,1-trifluoropentane

Dodavatel: Apollo Scientific
Popis: 4-Methyl-5,5,5-trifluoropent-1-en-4-ol

Dodavatel: Apollo Scientific
Popis: 1,1,1-Trifluoropent-4-en-2-ol

Dodavatel: Apollo Scientific
Popis: 1,1,1-Trifluoroacetylacetone 98%

Dodavatel: Thermo Scientific
Popis: 1,1,1-Trifluoroacetylacetone ≥98%
Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-11191R-A555)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Myelin regulatory factor: Consitutes a precursor of the transcription factor. Mediates the autocatalytic cleavage that releases the Myelin regulatory factor, N-terminal component that specifically activates transcription of central nervous system (CNS) myelin genes (PubMed:23966832). Myelin regulatory factor, C-terminal: Membrane-bound part that has no transcription factor activity and remains attached to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane following cleavage. Myelin regulatory factor, N-terminal: Transcription factor that specifically activates expression of myelin genes such as MBP, MOG, MAG and PLP1 during oligodendrocyte (OL) maturation, thereby playing a central role in oligodendrocyte maturation and CNS myelination. Specifically recognizes and binds DNA sequence 5'-CTGGYAC-3' in the regulatory regions of myelin-specific genes and directly activates their expression. Not only required during oligodendrocyte differentiation but is also required on an ongoing basis for the maintenance of expression of myelin genes and for the maintenance of a mature, viable oligodendrocyte phenotype (PubMed:23966832).
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-13723R-A555)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Protocadherins are a large family of cadherin-like cell adhesion proteins that are involved in the establishment and maintenance of neuronal connections in the brain. There are three protocadherin gene clusters, designated alpha, beta and gamma, all of which contain multiple tandemly arranged genes. PCDH10 (protocadherin 10), also known as PCDH19 or OL-PCDH, is a 1,040 amino acid single-pass type I membrane protein that contains six cadherin domains and one transmembrane domain. Expressed at moderate levels in brain, ovary and testis and present at lower levels in all other tissues, PCDH10 functions as a calcium-dependent cell-adhesion protein that may function as a tumor suppressor. When underexpressed, PCDH10 is associated with the progression of various carcinomas, including gastric cancer.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Dodavatel: Merck
Popis: 1,1,1-Trifluoroacetylacetone, Sigma-Aldrich®

Dodavatel: Apollo Scientific
Popis: 5,5,5-Trifluoropentanonitrile 98%

Dodavatel: Apollo Scientific
Popis: 5,5,5-Trifluoro-DL-norvaline 96%

Katalogové číslo: (APOSPC430110-1G)
Dodavatel: Apollo Scientific
Popis: Ethyl-5,5,5-trifluoro-4-oxopentanoate
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 g

Dodavatel: Apollo Scientific
Popis: 5,5,5-Trifluoropentanoic acid 97%

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