Hledali jste: 1,4-Bis[alpha-(4-chlorophenyl)benzyl]piperazine+dihydrochloride
174 výsledků nalezeno
Masterflex® L/S® Precision Tubing Life Data for Norprene/Pharmed and Tygon LFL
Masterflex® L/S® Precision Tubing Life Data for Norprene/Pharmed and Tygon LFL L/S® Precision Tubing Life Data L/S Performance Data for Norprene®/PharMed® and Tygon LFL® Tubing Formulations Masterflex® Precision Tubing Precision tubing (L/S® 13 L/...
Managing your risk
Managing your risk Minimising the complexity of your supply chain security Offering reliable and transparent supply chain solutions is what we do best. Built on a foundation of supply chain innovation our goal is for our customers to have a consis...
Ergonomics In Cleaning
Ergonomics In Cleaning Ergonomics In Cleaning Friday 9th December 2022 14:00 to 15:00 CET (Paris Berlin Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání po dobu 1 roku Controlled environments are continually evolving becoming lar...
Présentation PowerPoint
Présentation PowerPoint Advanced CHO Cell Expression System for Increased Transient Protein Production 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 24 48 72 96 120 V ia b ili ty ( % ) V ia b le C el l D en si ty ( x1 0 6 ce lls /m L) Time (h) Viable Cell D...
General Description of an Application
General Description of an Application Application Date: 21.10.2013 Page 1 of 5 Quantitative analysis of ascorbic acid with Iodine titrant Application Date: 21.10.2013 Page 2 of 5 Use This method is used to determine the content of ascorbic acid (V...
Practical UHPLC: Method development for complex samples, including pressure- and temperature-induced effects on selectivity and retention
Practical UHPLC: Method development for complex samples including pressure- and temperature-induced effects on selectivity and retention Webinar Tuesday 11th June 2019 16:00 - 16:45 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) PRESENTED IN ENGLISH REPLAY Email Aler...
Odpadové hospodárstvo
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LC Method translations and transfers: Do's & Don'ts
LC Method translations and transfers: Do's & Don'ts Webinar Tuesday 24th January 2023 15:00 to 16:00 CET (Paris Berlin Madrid) 14:00 to 15:00 GMT 09:00 to 10:00 ET Replay Do you want to achieve the same chromatography in a shorter timeframe? Ever ...
Contamination costs time, money and credibility – minimise risks and maximise performance
Contamination costs time money and credibility – minimise risks and maximise performance Webinar Wednesday 6th October 2021 14:00 to 15:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání po dobu 1 roku What ar...
Průvodce výběrem vedení pro peristaltické aplikace
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Sekundárne referenčné štandardy na plynovú chromatografiu
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Príručka k SPE
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CASE STUDY Vegetables FDA validated molecular method to detect C. cayetanensis in food samples Keyword: Cyclospora cayetanensis Fresh produce Prepared dish qPCR Aim of the study: Evaluate the performance of the FDA method for detection of C. Cayet...
How packaging and handling of air- and moisture-sensitive solvents and reagents can increase success in organic synthesis
How packaging and handling of air- and moisture-sensitive solvents and reagents can increase success in organic synthesis Webinar Thursday 18th February 2021 14:00 to 15:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area ...
Štandardy viskozity
Štandardy viskozity Nový rad certifikovaných presných a sledovateľných štandardov viskozity. Tieto produkty sa môžu použiť na kalibráciu kontrolu verifikáciu kvalifikáciu alebo validáciu metód prístrojov na meranie kinematickej a dynamickej viskoz...
Peristaltická čerpadla Masterflex® ve výrobě vakcín
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65 - 80 of 174