
Hledali jste: Destičky pro PCR

In preparation for real time polymerase chain reaction applications, small segments of DNA or RNA are isolated and placed in PCR plates. With common well matrixes and high or low profile designs that are compatible with thermal cyclers, the PCR plates facilitate rapid segment amplification when manual processing is not wanted. The PCR plate has seal integrity from –80 to –200°C, which is highly effective in heat sealing and reduces heat transfer. The skirt and deck are molded from a rigid adhesive film. This prevents the distortion and shrinkage that may occur when regular single-component virgin polypropylene PCR plates are exposed to the high temperatures of thermal cycling or heat sealing. Alphanumeric grid, colored manufacturing, and the labeling surface provided by skirted pcr plate styles ensure accurate sample identification at all times.

In preparation for real time polymerase chain reaction applications, small segments of DNA or RNA are isolated and placed in PCR plates. With common well matrixes and high or low profile designs that are compatible with thermal cyclers, the PCR plates facilitate rapid segment amplification when manual processing is not wanted. The PCR plate has seal integrity from –80 to –200°C, which is highly effective in heat sealing and reduces heat transfer. The skirt and deck are molded from a rigid adhesive film. This prevents the distortion and shrinkage that may occur when regular single-component virgin polypropylene PCR plates are exposed to the high temperatures of thermal cycling or heat sealing. Alphanumeric grid, colored manufacturing, and the labeling surface provided by skirted pcr plate styles ensure accurate sample identification at all times.

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Katalogové číslo: (732-3977)
Dodavatel: Brand
Popis: These 384-well PCR plates are an economical solution for automatic high-throughput analysis.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 50 KS

Dodavatel: Simport Scientific
Popis: PP. These thin-walled PCR plates are suitable for robotic handling, and are ideal for use with automated pipetting systems.

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Dodavatel: Brand
Popis: PP, bílé. K dispozici 96-jamkové nízkoprofilové a 384-jamkové formáty. Obě destičky jsou kompatibilní s mnoha termocyklery, ale jsou dokonale vhodné pro použití v Roche® LightCycler® 480.
Dodavatel: Simport Scientific
Popis: SuperFlex™ 'Break-Away' PCR plates allow for the most flexible, efficient and cost-effective option. Eliminate the use of scissors that cause perforated wells, damage sealing rings and could risk contamination issues.

Dodavatel: Brand
Popis: PP.

Dodavatel: Brand
Popis: Destičky pro PCR BRAND® + těsnicí filmy – The Real Seal !

Praktická sada pro PCR obsahuje 50 kusů 96jamkových destiček pro PCR a 50 těsnicích filmů Sady jsou dodávány s různými destičkami pro PCR, které jsou vhodné pro běžné termocyklery dle typu použité destičky. Filmy se nelepí k rukavicím a je s nimi proto velice snadná manipulace díky tomu, že film je přilnavý až poté, co je na něj vyvinut tlak. Ke každé destičce patří jeden specifický film, proto jsou naprosto těsné, snižují odpařování a dokonale tak chrání Vaše vzorky.

Velice nízké ztráty způsobené odpařováním. Použijte pro své PCR BRAND® destičky přiložený film a uvidíte na vlastní oči!

Dodavatel: Brand
Popis: For medium and high sample throughput, these 96-well plates are the efficient solution for PCR and qPCR.

Dodavatel: Brand
Popis: These 384-well PCR plates are an economical solution for automatic high-throughput analysis.

Dodavatel: Simport Scientific
Popis: PP. These opaque 384-well PCR plates are for chemiluminescent and fluorescent procedures. Thin-walled and designed for rapid thermal transfer, these plates are precision-moulded to ensure well-to-well and plate-to-plate uniformity.

Dodavatel: Simport Scientific
Popis: Amplate™ raised rim, thin walled PCR plates offer the rigidity needed for automation and are perfectly suited for high performance thermal cycling. Each well makes intimate contact with the heating block while quick and consistent heat transfer is ensured by a uniform wall thickness.

Dodavatel: Simport Scientific
Popis: PP. These opaque 96-well PCR plates are for chemiluminescent and fluorescent procedures. Thin-walled and designed for rapid thermal transfer, these plates are precision-moulded to ensure well-to-well and plate-to-plate uniformity.

Dodavatel: Brand
Popis: PP, bez lemu. Vyrobeny v čistých prostorech z čistých, vysoce kvalitních materiálů (bez přísad). Tyto PCR destičky jsou vhodné pro použití s většinou komerčně dostupných termocyklerů.

Katalogové číslo: (391-5711)
Dodavatel: Brand
Popis: PP. 40 μl jamky pojmou vzorky objemů 2 až 30 μl. To snižuje náklady na činnidla a zkracuje čas cyklu. Destičky lze plnit pomocí multikanálových pipet nebo robotickými systémy.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 50 KS

Katalogové číslo: (211-3382)
Dodavatel: Simport Scientific
Popis: PP. Thin walled 96-well PCR plates with small tube volume (100 µl).
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 KS

Dodavatel: Simport Scientific
Popis: PP. Thin walled PCR plates compatible with 0,2 ml thermal cyclers. The insides of the tubes are smooth and have an inert surface on which enzymes and nucleic acids do not bind.

Dodavatel: EPPENDORF
Popis: Discover the PCR Plates BioBased made of bio-based polymer (mass balance approach). These plates allow you to significantly reduce your consumable-related carbon footprint and yet to maintain the identical technical performance. The new bio-based plates have the identical material properties and technical specifications as the legacy plates.

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