Špičky pro automatizované systémy manipulace s kapalinami

Se stovkou automatizačních špiček od Thermo Scientific™, navržených, aby seděly na přes 50 pracovních stanic a různých hlav pipet jsme si jisti, že najdete špičky, které zvyšují účinost skrz přesný a precizní výkon.
Tyto špičky podstupují přísný program kontroly kvality k zajištění konzistence výsledků ve vynikající přímosti a nízkému koeficientu různých rozsahů od 1% do 3%. S přísnými výrobními specifikacemi, naše špičky udržují tolerance o 400% pevněji než standardní pipetovací špičky.

Thermo Scientific Automation Tips for Beckman Automated Liquid Handling Platforms
- Tips are validated on the actual workstations for which they are created
- Available in sterile, nonsterile, sterile filtered, wide bore, and low retention
- Extended tip length is compatible with 96-well and 384-well deep well plates

Thermo Scientific Automation Tips for Tecan Automated Liquid Handling Platforms
- Conductive option provides increased pipetting performance
- Tips are validated on the actual workstations for which they are created
- 20 μl tips increase precision of low volume pipetting through minimization of dead air space

Thermo Scientific Automation Tips for PerkinElmer/Packard Robotic Automated Liquid Handling Platforms
- Conductive option provides increased pipetting performance
- Increased precision for your toughest multi-dispensing assays
- Tips are validated on the actual workstations for which they are created

Thermo Scientific Automation Tips for Agilent Automated Liquid Handling Platforms
- Low percentage coefficient of variation
- Available in nonsterile, sterile or sterile filtered
- Validated on the actual workstation for which the tip is created

Thermo Scientific Automation Tips for Eppendorf Automated Liquid Handling Platforms
- Low percentage coefficient of variation
- Available in nonsterile, sterile or sterile filtered
- Validated on the actual workstation for which the tip is created

Thermo Scientific Automation Tips for other Automated Liquid Handling Platforms
Tips for:
- Qiagen Universal Systems
- Molecular Devices Systems
- Caliper/Zymark Liquid Handling Workstations
- BioTek Pipetting Systems
- Thermo Scientific Automated Liquid Handling Platforms