Testing chambers artificially replicate specific environments to test the effects on samples or equipment. With precise control over elements including temperature, humidity, and light, the enclosures also maintain material integrity and encourage specimen growth. The insulated closed systems have customizable options that increase stability and reproducibility in desired conditions. High performance testing chambers are created to exceed specific researching industry requirements and have chambers in various sizes to fit any space.

Testing chambers artificially replicate specific environments to test the effects on samples or equipment. With precise control over elements including temperature, humidity, and light, the enclosures also maintain material integrity and encourage specimen growth. The insulated closed systems have customizable options that increase stability and reproducibility in desired conditions. High performance testing chambers are created to exceed specific researching industry requirements and have chambers in various sizes to fit any space.

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Dodavatel: Binder
Popis: The WIC series walk-in-chambers offer a wide range of features and benefits to perfectly meet requirements in stability testing. Perfect test conditions are maintained over a wide range of temperatures from 10 to 50 °C and relative humidity of 20 to 90% RH.

Dodavatel: MEMMERT
Popis: The Memmert environmental test chambers offer rapid and precise temperature changes from -42 to +190 °C and electronic humidity control from 10 to 98% RH. These advanced test chambers feature robust stainless steel inner chamber and housing, ensuring durability and easy cleaning. The CTC/TTC model is ideal for controlled material testing, functional tests, aging tests, or climate tests of composite materials, concrete, plastics, or electronic components in fields such as materials technology, automotive, aerospace and electronics.

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Dodavatel: MEMMERT
Popis: Humidity chambers which have corrosion resistant, stainless steel inner chamber and housing for long-term climatic tests at constant temperature and humidity. Ideal for food processing, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and electronics industries. Units feature an auto diagnostic system with fault indication for temperature and humidity control. The working chamber is heated on all six sides; this together with electronic humidity control prevents condensation forming in the chamber. Distilled water is supplied from an external 2,5 litre tank by means of a self priming pump. lnternal log memory 1024 kB (ring buffer) for all relevant data, capacity is approximately three months at one minute intervals. GLP/GMP compliance is assisted by the USB interface and 'Celsius' software for programming and documentation.

Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: The VWR® Constant climate chambers with Peltier technology feature excellent variation and fluctuation values for temperature and humidity. They are energy efficient and environmentally friendly, with a low noise level, and they work almost vibration-free as no compressor is installed. These models, with forced air convection, provide a temperature range between 0 to +70 °C (max. 20 °C below ambient) and feature a stainless steel (DIN 1.4301) inner chamber and stainless steel housing, solid outer door and internal glass door. The PREMIUM models have an intuitive menu and user friendly software and a USB port with flash drive for data download to USB stick and for uploading programs. They can be connected to an Ethernet or Wi-Fi network for remote control from any computer, and users can receive notifications about selectable parameters via e-mail.

Environmentally Preferable

Dodavatel: Binder
Popis: Řada dynamických klimatických komor MFK byla speciálně vyvinuta jako přesné ohřívací a chladicí komory pro komplexní klimatické zkoušky založené na normách. Jednotky jsou ideální pro rychlé změny teploty s regulací vlhkosti s nízkým teplotním rozsahem až do –70 °C a mají vyšší kapacitu, která přesahuje možnosti běžných zkušebních komor. Vnitřní komora z nerezové oceli má vyhřívání dveří, vyhřívané průhledové okénko s vnitřním LED osvětlením a programovatelnou ochranu proti kondenzaci pro testované materiály.

Dodavatel: Binder
Popis: The KBF series is a proven specialist for reliable ICH stability tests in the pharmaceutical industry: the KBF masters all long-term tests, accelerated tests and stress tests. It fulfills all important ICH requirements, from precision to programming and documentation. With flexible water supply options for all installation locations. The units have a stainless-steel inner chamber and proven APT.line™ preheating chamber technology, feature a temperature range of 0 to +70 °C, and humidity range of 10 to 80% RH, the KBF consumes up to 40 % less energy than its predecessor. With optional light modules, the KBF can be converted into an ICH photostability chamber and a plant growth chamber.

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Dodavatel: MEMMERT
Popis: Řada klimatických komor ICH nabízí rychlou a přesnou regulaci teploty od 10 do 60 °C se zvlhčováním od 10 do 80 % RH. Tyto kompresorem chlazené jednotky mají vnitřní komoru a kryt z nerezové oceli, což zajišťuje dlouhou životnost a snadné čištění. Modely ICH mají regulaci vlhkosti, modely ICH L mají regulaci vlhkosti a osvětlení a modely ICH C mají vlhkost a elektronickou regulaci CO₂ s automatickým nastavením nuly, systémem měření NDIR a autodiagnostickým systémem.

Dodavatel: MEMMERT
Popis: Maximum energy effiency in continous operation - these powerful constant climate chambers work with the new Advanced Peltier Technology. These devices with TwinDISPLAY are ideal for stability studies according to ICH guidelines, stability tests for cosmetics and foods as well as environmental and material testing.

Environmentally Preferable

Dodavatel: Binder
Popis: The MK series chambers are suitable for all heat and cold tests from –40 to 180 °C. This is an alternative to complex individual solutions for cyclical temperature tests.

Dodavatel: Binder
Popis: A powerful all-rounder among constant climate chambers: Equipped with all kinds of sophisticated technology, the KBF PRO with proven APT.line™ preheating chamber technology takes any material test in its stride – whether it takes place at -20 °C or under THB conditions at +85 °C and 85% relative humidity. Units have a stainless-steel inner chamber and temperature range of -20 to +100 °C and humidity range of 10% to 98% RH. The models offer flexible water supply options for all installation sites and consumes up to 40% less energy than its predecessor, the KMF model. Optional light modules are also available to turn the KBF PRO into a chamber for ICH photostability testing or plant growth.

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Dodavatel: Binder
Popis: The M Series Avantgarde.Line units have a maximum of 300 °C and various advanced programming options ensure these material test chambers are ideal for material and aging tests. The units have a high air flow and their powerful fans ensure rapid heating.

Dodavatel: Binder
Popis: Testovací dynamické komory řady MKF byly speciálně vyvinuty jako přesné komory s ohřevem a chlazením k průmyslovému testování materiálů a pro simulaci klimatických podmínek. Jednotky jsou ideální pro testování při náhlých teplotních změnách s nastavením vlhkosti a vyšším výkonem, než mají běžné testovací komory. Vnitřní komora z nerezové oceli a s LED osvětlením má vyhřívané dveře, vyhřívané okno a nastavitelnou ochranu proti tvorbě kondenzátu na testovaném materiálu.

Dodavatel: Binder
Popis: The KBF-S ECO climatic chambers are very energy-efficient thanks to thermoelectric cooling technology with heat dissipation. The thermoelectric cooling technology means the KBF-S ECO series is also very quiet during operation.

Dodavatel: Binder
Popis: Standard climate chambers that work with APT.line™ preheating chamber technology.

Katalogové číslo: (HERAESS750)
Dodavatel: Thermo Scientific
Popis: Involved temperature and humidity controls, well suited for stability testing, shelf life testing, and environmental testing.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

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Dodavatel: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Popis: Heratherm™ environmental chambers offer exceptional environmental control in a hassle-free chamber that is easy to program and use.

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