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228  výsledků nalezeno

Chemikálie Thermo Scientific

Chemikálie Thermo Scientific Značka Thermo Scientific™ nabízí širokou škálu chemikálií funkčních činidel organických stavebních bloků kovů a činidel pro přírodní vědy v rámci výzkumu a vývoje a kontroly kvality. Vybírejte ze sortimentu v níže uved...

Thermo Scientific restriction enzymes

Thermo Scientific restriction enzymes The Great Double Digest Day Double Digest your DNA in only 5-15 minutes with one buffer and load directly onto your gel with 176 Thermo Scientific FastDigest Enzymes. Restriction digestion gets easy Thermo Sci...

Thermo Scientific Solid Phase Guide

solid phase techniques Thermo Scientific Solid Phase Guide H H NNHHHHH CCC H C HH 3 H 3 C SSS N H NN H N HHH 222 OO N HHH 2222 O OOOO OO H C H C H C H C 33 HHHH an introduction to H H N H CH 3 H 3 C S NH 2 NH 2 O NH 2 O H O O O O H CH 3 H Surface ...

Thermo Scientific Molecular Biology selection

Thermo Scientific Molecular Biology selection Top customer picks. Making a difference in labs worldwide Thermo Scientific™ molecular biology tools are used by researchers worldwide. From quality high-fidelity or Taq DNA polymerases simple and fast...

Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ & Abgene™ microplates

Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ & Abgene™ microplates Quality and innovation for your cell-based assays immunoassays biobanking and storage Thermo Scientific Nunc has over 40 years of experience in designing and manufacturing microtiter plates for resear...

Organická syntéza s chemikáliemi Thermo Scientific

Organická syntéza s chemikáliemi Thermo Scientific Prozkoumejte činidla a materiály pro syntézu a studium reakčních mechanismů včetně činidel a stavebních bloků citlivých na vzduch a vlhkost. Naše rozsáhlá kolekce chemikálií a činidel umožňuje ino...

Remove the Burden of Protocol-Based Scientific Work

Remove the Burden of Protocol-Based Scientific Work Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Focus on Your Core Science A significant portion of the science that occurs in a R&D department is not purely towards...

Řešení manipulace s kapalinami od Thermo Scientific

Řešení manipulace s kapalinami od Thermo Scientific Revoluce ve způsobu pipetování Představujeme pipety od Thermo Scientific™ MyPipette™ app a E1-ClipTip™ Bluetooth My Pipette™ Creator je webová aplikace která umožňuje účinné centralizované progra...

Špičky pro automatizované systémy manipulace s kapalinami

Špičky pro automatizované systémy manipulace s kapalinami Se stovkou automatizačních špiček od Thermo Scientific™ navržených aby seděly na přes 50 pracovních stanic a různých hlav pipet jsme si jisti že najdete špičky které zvyšují účinost skrz př...

Overview on Viscosity, Flash Point and Certified Reference Materials for the Petroleum Industry

Overview on Viscosity Flash Point and Certified Reference Materials for the Petroleum Industry Webinar Thursday 10th June 2021 15:00 to 16:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay In this presentation Paragon Scientific will provide some product awaren...

Integration with Biotech Customer Meets Bulk and Specialty Solution Requests

Integration with Biotech Customer Meets Bulk and Specialty Solution Requests Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Challenge When a company’s ability to succeed relies on your ability to meet concept-to-mark...

Nunc™ plates for immunoassays

Nunc™ plates for immunoassays Immunoplates from Nunc are manufactured to the highest standards developed over 40 years of production. This high-quality deliver consistency of performance from month to month giving results you can rely on. The rang...

Media and Buffer Preparation Services Accelerate Scientific Research

Media and Buffer Preparation Services Accelerate Scientific Research Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Challenge One of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies wanted to accelerate the process of dr...


Chemical_CapabilityTable_v011.indd For Research Use Only © 2016 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. PFLSPSTORAGECHEM 0716 Chemical Compatibility ...

Chemikálie podle značky

Chemikálie podle značky Apollo Scientific – stavební bloky fluorochemikálie a syntézní činidla heterocyklických a alifatických sloučenin fluorochemikálií a činidel pro přírodní vědy. Díky bezkonkurenčním službám a odborným znalostem v oblasti zaji...

Abundant Protein Depletion of Human Plasma Samples – A Reproducibility and Scaling Study

Abundant Protein Depletion of Human Plasma Samples – A Reproducibility and Scaling Study Sergei I. Snovida1; Katherine E. Herting1; Ramesh Ganapathy1 Ryan Bomgarden1 Barbara J. Kaboord1 Chris Etienne1 John. C. Rogers1 ; Thermo Fisher Scientific Ro...
1 - 16 of 228