Hledali jste: 2-Fluoro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenylboronic acid
215 výsledků nalezeno
Silikonové hadice Masterflex
Silikonové hadice Masterflex Naše silikonové hadice jsou dostupné ve dvou formulacích: tvrzené peroxidem nebo platinou. Obě formulace mají mnoho shodných vlastností např. vyhovují požadavkům FDA a splňují USP třídy VI mají shodné teplotní hodnocen...
General Description of an Application
General Description of an Application Application Date: 11.04.2013 Page 1 of 12 Total acid number number - TAN Application Date: 11.04.2013 Page 2 of 12 Use Determination of acidic constituents in petroleum products and lubricants by potentiometri...
Novinky společnosti basan
Novinky společnosti basan Časopis pro výrobu 2023–24 Prolistujte si tuto publikaci a přečtěte si informace o trendech a odborné rady pro vysoce náročné aplikace v řízených prostředích i bezpečnost vašich pracovníků a procesů. Přehled řešení pro pr...
General Description of an Application
General Description of an Application Application Date: 23.01.2014 Page 1 of 8 Quantitative analysis of ascorbic acid with specific titrant DCPIP Application Date: 23.01.2014 Page 2 of 8 Use This method is used to determine the content of ascorbic...
013 SFLY sparQ DNA Frag Library Kit VWR 0218 lr
Next Generation Sequencing sparQ DNA Frag & Library Prep Kit FEATURES & BENEFITS: Simple 2 step workflow employs a unique enzyme mix safeguarding samples from over fragmentation Tunable and reproducible fragmentation profiles across a range of sam...
CASE STUDY Vegetables FDA validated molecular method to detect C. cayetanensis in food samples Keyword: Cyclospora cayetanensis Fresh produce Prepared dish qPCR Aim of the study: Evaluate the performance of the FDA method for detection of C. Cayet...
IP Exitus Plus
infoPoint The complete decontamination of equipment and surfaces from any DNA molecules is important for biological containment and safety as well as preventing false results in PCR amplification experiments. DNA-ExitusPlus™ is a safe nucleic acid...
General Description of an Application
General Description of an Application Application Date: 23.01.2014 Page 1 of 8 Quantitative analysis of ascorbic acid with specific titrant DCPIP Application Date: 23.01.2014 Page 2 of 8 Use This method is used to determine the content of ascorbic...
~~clinical laboratory space optimization eu~~
CliniCal laboratory SpaCe optimiSation SucceSS Story problem A large clinical laboratory was challenged by the limited space available to manage their business. The lab had tripled in size over a 10 year period and the volume of testing had increa...
013 SFLY sparQ DNA Frag Library Kit VWR 0218 lr
Next Generation Sequencing sparQ DNA Frag & Library Prep Kit FEATURES & BENEFITS: Simple 2 step workflow employs a unique enzyme mix safeguarding samples from over fragmentation Tunable and reproducible fragmentation profiles across a range of sam...
PowerPoint Presentation
PowerPoint Presentation ACE ® HPLC / UHPLC Columns PHASE USP LISTING FUNCTIONAL GROUP ENDCAPPED PARTICLE SIZE (µm)* PORE SIZE (Å) SURFACE AREA (m2/g) CARBON LOAD (%) PH RANGE 100% AQ compatible ACE® Traditional Chemistries C18 L1 Octadecyl Yes 1.7...
~~NunclonSphera-Brochure-Global 2017~~
Nunclon Sphera products for spheroid culture Making your most valuable work your best work Suspension growth Advancing your cell culture research Optimizing spheroid formation The Thermo Scientific™ Nunclon™ Sphera culture surface allows cells to ...
MK-SF-0025_REV01_PerfeCTa_Multiplex_qPCR_0918.indd PCR & qPCR For more info visit: www.quantabio.com PerfeCTa® MultiPlex qPCR ToughMix® FEATURES AND BENEFITS: 1-tube SuperMix minimizes pipetting steps simplifying reaction assembly and improving ac...
Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern
Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern Application Datum: 29.3.2012 Seite 1 von 9 Determination of Calcium in jelly drinks Application Datum: 29.3.2012 Seite 2 von 9 Use This method is used for the quantitative determination of Calcium ...
Masterflex® B/T® Precision Pump Tubing
Masterflex® B/T® Precision Pump Tubing Ensure top performance with your Masterflex pump head by using precision-extruded Masterflex tubing to deliver accurate flow rates. Thirteen different material formulations are available. To order the correct...
Průvodce srovnáním a výběrem digitálních pohonů Masterflex
Průvodce srovnáním a výběrem digitálních pohonů Masterflex Masterflex nabízí digitální pohony vhodné právě pro váš výrobní proces nebo výzkumné aplikace. Ať už potřebujete standardní pohon pohon s bezpečnostním čidlem pro detekci otevřené hlavy po...
273 - 215 of 215