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595 výsledků nalezeno
Introduction The landscape of cfDNA research is constantly evolving with new evidence pointing to the existence of shorter fragment sizes and their importance in terms of tumor detection early disease diagnosis and genomic profiling. Circulating t...
N EP H EL O M ET R Y A LP H A SC R EE N ® FP TR F & T R -F R ET LU M I + B R ET FI + F R ET A B SO R B A N C E Rev. xx/2017 Keywords: AN xxx Fluorescent quantification of low amounts of dsDNA using AccuBlueTM NextGen from Biotium Introduction Mate...
Prístrojové systémy a moduly
Prístrojové systémy a moduly Spoločnosť VWR International poskytuje kompletný sortiment inovatívnych produktov, vrátane špecializovaného softvéru na zlepšenie a zjednodušenie metód a spracovávania údajov. Táto ponuka, spolu s kompletným sortimento...
in vivo delivery from study to gene therapy: overview, considerations and challenges
in vivo delivery from study to gene therapy: overview considerations and challenges Webinar Tuesday June 18th 2019 18:00 to 19:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) PRESENTED IN ENGLISH REPLAY Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání po dobu 1 ...
@@NUMMER 8090145@@
@@NUMMER 8090145@@ 1 PCR Mycoplasma Test Kit II Kit for Mycoplasma detection by conventional PCR Product code A8994 Description PCR Mycoplasma Test Kit II is designed to detect the presence of mycoplasma contamination in biological materials such ...
Varianty hadic Masterflex L/S
Varianty hadic Masterflex L/S Dosáhněte špičkového výkonu čerpacích hlav Masterflex L/S při používání přesně extrudovaných hadic. Hadice jsou vyráběny v přísných tolerancích které přesně odpovídají našim L/S hlavám. Zvolit můžete přesné hadice neb...
Transfection Reagents
Transfection Reagents Featured Solutions A complete range of transfection solutions for any nucleic acid to fit your needs. DNA transfection: jetOPTIMUS® Additional Resources Transfection catalog Transfection video Request your sample"Transfection...
Chcete se cítit jako génius?
Chcete se cítit jako génius? Na počest práce předních vědeckých osobností připravila společnost DWK Life Sciences druhou limitovanou edici řady láhví Genius. Lahve DURAN® YOUTILITY® edice Genius o objemu 2 500 ml mají všechny přednosti standardní ...
BioPharm Plus Platinum-Cured Silicone Tubing
BioPharm Plus Platinum-Cured Silicone Tubing Advantages: Up to three times the working life of other platinum silicone tubings Excellent biocompatibility; no leachable additives DOP or plasticizers; odorless and nontoxic fungus resistant; no taste...
Silicone (peroxide-cured) Tubing
Silicone (peroxide-cured) Tubing Advantages: Excellent biocompatibility; no leachable additives DOP or plasticizers; odorless and nontoxic fungus resistant. No taste imparted to transported fluids. Extremely good at low temperatures. Weather ozone...
Spotrebný materiál na kontrolu úrovne endotoxínov
Spotrebný materiál na kontrolu úrovne endotoxínov Riešenia spoločnosti VWR na zníženie environmentálnej záťaže a kontrolu úrovní endotoxínov vo výrobných procesoch Sterilné alkoholy a dezinfekčné prostriedky (dostupnosť sa môže líšiť v závislosti ...
Genomics There’s no question that genomics is one of the most exciting fields in life science. Whether you are working on the advancement of gene therapies or personalized medicine or using with technologies such as qPCR next generation sequencing...
@@NUMMER 8090145@@
@@NUMMER 8090145@@ 1 PCR Mycoplasma Test Kit II Kit for Mycoplasma detection by conventional PCR Product code A8994 Description PCR Mycoplasma Test Kit II is designed to detect the presence of mycoplasma contamination in biological materials such ...
Vacuum concentration
Vacuum concentration Concentration of your precious samples is crucial when creating new substances. Any content loss or contamination between samples caused i.e. by 'bumping' must be avoided. VWR offers the best choice of dedicated vacuum concent...
Avantor Production Chemicals
Avantor Production Chemicals Find everything you need for your biopharmaceutical production process. From purification to formulation and finish Avantor has it all. Fermentation and Cell Culture All additives such as amino acids minerals and vitam...
Sanborn Manufacturing Facility
Sanborn Manufacturing Facility The HEPES manufacturing suite at our 60000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility in Sanborn NY USA. Core Capabilities Custom manufacturing of biological buffers amino acid derivatives and custom antibiotic solutions Industr...
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