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Hledali jste: 2,5-Dibromoterephthalic acid

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Titrace Titrace je technika která umožňuje stanovit přesnou koncentraci jakékoli sloučeniny. V praxi je zapotřebí širokého spektra produktů které dodává společnost VWR; jedná se o vše od klasického skla až po automatické titrátory včetně činidel v...

~~Micro Membrane Growth~~

www.pall.com/lab Microbiological Evaluation of 0.45 µm Membranes A Comparative View on Mixed Cellulose Ester (MCE) Summary Membrane filtration (MF) technique is the regulatory accepted and preferred method for recovery of microorganisms in product...


MK-AN-0002_REV01_Q_real-time_PCR_0918.indd Next Generation SequencingApplication Note For more info visit: www.quantabio.com INTRODUCTION Knowledge of the number of amplifiable DNA molecules in a library preparation is essential for obtaining the ...

~~Micro Membrane Growth~~

www.pall.com/lab Microbiological Evaluation of 0.45 µm Membranes A Comparative View on Mixed Cellulose Ester (MCE) Summary Membrane filtration (MF) technique is the regulatory accepted and preferred method for recovery of microorganisms in product...

Transfection Reagents

Transfection Reagents Featured Solutions A complete range of transfection solutions for any nucleic acid to fit your needs. DNA transfection: jetOPTIMUS® Additional Resources Transfection catalog Transfection video Request your sample

Microvolume Photometry

Microvolume Photometry mySPEC allows you to perform nucleic acid and proteins microvolume concentration plus purity measurements. More info about mySPEC Additional Resources Product brochure New HSG VWR® for PCR

Masterflex FDA-Approved Viton Pump Tubing Offers Excellent Chemical Resistance at High Temperatures

Masterflex FDA-Approved Viton Pump Tubing Offers Excellent Chemical Resistance at High Temperatures Vernon Hills Illinois October 8 2002—Masterflex® FDA-approved Viton® pump tubing is now available directly from. Created as a result of the introdu...

How to double your sample capacity in less time with an existing autosampler!

How to double your sample capacity in less time with an existing autosampler! Webinar Thursday March 25th 2021 15:00 to 16:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Register Tight deadlines and strict laboratory workflows are requesting cost-efficient high-thr...

PanReac Applichem Decontamination

PanReac Applichem Decontamination Decontamination and Control Reagents It is important to work clean as contamination is very frustrating for the scientist and in the end also very expensive. PanReac AppliChem offers a variety of products for prev...

Čerpání viskózních kapalin

Čerpání viskózních kapalin Viskózní kapaliny proudí mnohem pomaleji než kapaliny podobné vodě a to z několika důvodů včetně: Kapalina má větší rezistenci vůči proudění než voda. Mezi stěnou hadice a viskózní kapalinou jsou větší třecí síly než v p...

Oligonucleotide analysis: Practical implementation approaches for HPLC and LC-MS analyses

Oligonucleotide analysis: Practical implementation approaches for HPLC and LC-MS analyses Webinar Thursday 23rd April 2020 15:00 to 16:00 CEST REPLAY Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání po dobu 1 roku Oligonucleotide analysis: Prac...

Virus Detection

Virus Detection To aide our research community in finding a solution to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic our internal scientists are engaged with our supplier communities to identify and source solutions covering the complete workflow of the virus d...

Roztoky pro analýzu TOC

Roztoky pro analýzu TOC Roztoky pro analýzu celkového organického uhlíku (TOC) pro detekci organických nečistot ve vodě Rozpuštěný organický uhlík oxiduje působením činidla persíranu sodného a množství vzniklého CO2 se měří spektrofotometricky. V ...

~~Try Polyplus-transfection® reagents in your CRISPR experiments~~

Try Polyplus-transfection® reagents in your CRISPR experiments Polyplus-transfection® SA is a biotechnology company that develops and sells innovative solutions for the delivery of nucleic acids in research bioproduction and therapeutics. Polyplus...


HPLC The right choice of chemical is crucial for your chromatography process. Below an overview of our chemical range for chromatography. Are you looking for columns instruments or other consumables as well? Akcie Chemické novinky Kontakt MSDS Cer...

High-Purity Solvents & Reagents

High-Purity Solvents & Reagents J.T.Baker® and Macron Fine Chemicals™ brand high purity solvents and reagents give you the performance you need - minimising the risk of contaminants that can limit accuracy while maximising instrument sensitivity a...