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Hledali jste: 1,4-Dioxaspiro[4.5]decane-8,8-dimethanol

270  výsledků nalezeno

Masterflex® L/S® Precision Tubing Life Data for Norprene/Pharmed and Tygon LFL

Masterflex® L/S® Precision Tubing Life Data for Norprene/Pharmed and Tygon LFL L/S® Precision Tubing Life Data L/S Performance Data for Norprene®/PharMed® and Tygon LFL® Tubing Formulations Masterflex® Precision Tubing Precision tubing (L/S® 13 L/...

Ergonomics In Cleaning

Ergonomics In Cleaning Ergonomics In Cleaning Friday 9th December 2022 14:00 to 15:00 CET (Paris Berlin Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání po dobu 1 roku Controlled environments are continually evolving becoming lar...

Managing your risk

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Présentation PowerPoint

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General Description of an Application

General Description of an Application Application Date: 21.10.2013 Page 1 of 5 Quantitative analysis of ascorbic acid with Iodine titrant Application Date: 21.10.2013 Page 2 of 5 Use This method is used to determine the content of ascorbic acid (V...

Getting one step ahead - The best way to store chemicals

Getting one step ahead - The best way to store chemicals Webinar Tuesday 15th January - asecos 12:00 to 12:45 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) PRESENTED IN ENGLISH REPLAY Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání po dobu 1 roku The storage of ...

~~European standards for eye protection~~

European standards for eye protection Basic standards EN 166Technical performance standard EN 167Methods for optical tests EN 168Test methods other than optical Standards by application EN 169Welding filters EN 170Ultraviolet filters EN 171Infrare...

LC Method translations and transfers: Do's & Don'ts

LC Method translations and transfers: Do's & Don'ts Webinar Tuesday 24th January 2023 15:00 to 16:00 CET (Paris Berlin Madrid) 14:00 to 15:00 GMT 09:00 to 10:00 ET Replay Do you want to achieve the same chromatography in a shorter timeframe? Ever ...

Odpadové hospodárstvo

Odpadové hospodárstvo S cieľom zabrániť poškodeniu a následnej kontaminácii prostredia samotného liečiva a personálu ktorý sa zaoberá manipuláciou s cytotoxickými liečivami a ich prepravou sa balenie a preprava týchto liečiv musia vykonávať s maxi...

Kapalinová čerpadla: Charakteristiky manipulace s viskózními kapalinami

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Contamination costs time, money and credibility – minimise risks and maximise performance

Contamination costs time money and credibility – minimise risks and maximise performance Webinar Wednesday 6th October 2021 14:00 to 15:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání po dobu 1 roku What ar...

3M PSD PeltorX Series Brochure

3M Personal Safety Division 3M™ Peltor™ X Series levels of Comfort Durability 3M™ PELTOR's highest and Protection The Power to Protect Your World.SM The new 3M™ Peltor™ X Series ear muffs offer a wide range of attenuation levels that helps meet ma...

Sekundárne referenčné štandardy na plynovú chromatografiu

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Príručka k SPE

Príručka k SPE Príprava vzoriek Tak dlho ako vedci analyzujú zlúčeniny existuje aj potreba prípravy vzoriek na extrakciu a purifikáciu zložiek vzoriek. Dnešná technológia na prípravu vzoriek extrakcia na tuhej fáze (SPE) je založená na princípoch ...

3M PSD PeltorX Series Brochure

3M Personal Safety Division 3M™ Peltor™ X Series levels of Comfort Durability 3M™ PELTOR's highest and Protection The Power to Protect Your World.SM The new 3M™ Peltor™ X Series ear muffs offer a wide range of attenuation levels that helps meet ma...

European standards for disposable chemical protective clothing

European standards for disposable chemical protective clothing CE marking of protective clothing Protective clothing belongs to the group of personal protective equipment (PPE), and therefore has to comply with the European Directive 89/686/EC whi...