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Hledali jste: 1,2,4-Triazolo[4,3-a]pyridin-3(2H)-one

479  výsledků nalezeno


NMR NMR (nukleární magnetická rezonance) se používá jako standardní analytická metoda pro určení struktury organické sloučeniny. V NMR analýze odpovídá poměr počtu atomových jader ve sloučenině poměru ploch píků ve spektru. Akce Chemické inovace K...

~~European standards for eye protection~~

European standards for eye protection Basic standards EN 166Technical performance standard EN 167Methods for optical tests EN 168Test methods other than optical Standards by application EN 169Welding filters EN 170Ultraviolet filters EN 171Infrare...

Guide to Liquid Pumps

Guide to Liquid Pumps Use the guide below to help you select the best type of pump for your application. This information is intended as a general guideline and will not hold true for all pumps within a classification; check individual pump specif...

European standards for eye protection

European standards for eye protection Basic standards EN 166Technical performance standard EN 167Methods for optical tests EN 168Test methods other than optical Standards by application EN 169Welding filters EN 170Ultraviolet filters EN 171Infrare...


Attachment and differentiation of normal and transformed cells Corning Matrigel matrix certified LDEV-free and the trusted leading basement membrane provides a physiologically relevant environment for studies of cell morphology biochemical functio...

Pece a inkubátory VWR

Pece a inkubátory VWR Laboratorní pece s přirozenou konvekcí – DRY-Line PRIME DRY-Line® Tyto sušárny jsou určeny pro veškeré standardní úlohy sušení a temperování ale také sušení laboratorního skla. Fungují v teplotním rozsahu od 50 do 300 °Ca jso...

Průvodce výběrem vedení pro peristaltické aplikace

Průvodce výběrem vedení pro čerpadla a systémy pro manipulaci s kapalinami Správné čerpadlové hadice jsou při sestavování čerpacího systému určeného ke zpracování tekutin klíčové. Před výběrem zvažte všechny aspekty vaší aplikace: chemickou kompat...

Getting one step ahead - The best way to store chemicals

Getting one step ahead - The best way to store chemicals Webinar Tuesday 15th January - asecos 12:00 to 12:45 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) PRESENTED IN ENGLISH REPLAY Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance The storage of ...


Attachment and differentiation of normal and transformed cells Corning Matrigel matrix certified LDEV-free and the trusted leading basement membrane provides a physiologically relevant environment for studies of cell morphology biochemical functio...

Smart Note: Does laboratory filtration of culture media affect cell growth?

Smart Note: Does laboratory filtration of culture media affect cell growth? notes QA Does laboratory filtration of culture media affect cell growth? smart Thermo Scientific Nalgene Rapid-Flow Filters design & innovation Laboratory filtration of cu...


Attachment and differentiation of normal and transformed cells Corning Matrigel matrix certified LDEV-free and the trusted leading basement membrane provides a physiologically relevant environment for studies of cell morphology biochemical functio...

Guide to Liquid Pumps

Guide to Liquid Pumps Use the guide below to help you select the best type of pump for your application. This information is intended as a general guideline and will not hold true for all pumps within a classification; check individual pump specif...

Getting one step ahead - The best way to store chemicals

Getting one step ahead - The best way to store chemicals Webinar Tuesday 15th January - asecos 12:00 to 12:45 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) PRESENTED IN ENGLISH REPLAY Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání po dobu 1 roku The storage of ...

Smart Note: Does laboratory filtration of culture media affect cell growth?

Smart Note: Does laboratory filtration of culture media affect cell growth? notes QA Does laboratory filtration of culture media affect cell growth? smart Thermo Scientific Nalgene Rapid-Flow Filters design & innovation Laboratory filtration of cu...


Permeable Supports Quick Reference Ordering Guide Including Transwell® and Falcon® Cell Culture Inserts Quick Reference Ordering Information Uncoated Individual Inserts Transwell® Permeable Supports Polycarbonate (PC) Membrane Membrane Cat. No. De...


Imaging solutions to answer your biological questions Stunning images fast throughput powerful analysis www.moleculardevices.com2 ImageXpress Pico Automated Cell Imaging System SpectraMax® i3x Multi-Mode Microplate Reader ImageXpress Nano Automate...