
Hledali jste: Otevřené cirkulační systémy

Open circulator systems to meet your research purposes are available at VWR. Select an immersion circulator to create a water bath in your own vessel, or purchase an open bath tank through VWR. Heated and refrigerated circulating bath systems are offered in a variety of sizes and feature precise temperature control with the ease of a touch screen. Circulating open bath systems are constructed of insulated stainless steel or polycarbonate resin. Appropriate accessories for most models can be purchased through VWR.

Open circulator systems to meet your research purposes are available at VWR. Select an immersion circulator to create a water bath in your own vessel, or purchase an open bath tank through VWR. Heated and refrigerated circulating bath systems are offered in a variety of sizes and feature precise temperature control with the ease of a touch screen. Circulating open bath systems are constructed of insulated stainless steel or polycarbonate resin. Appropriate accessories for most models can be purchased through VWR.

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Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: Cirkulační lázně z nerezové oceli s možností volby pokročilého programovatelného nebo pokročilého digitálního regulátoru teploty. Oba se snadno ovládají díky velkým, intuitivním displejům a více komunikačním možnostem včetně USB-A a B, RS232/485, ethernetu a externí teplotní sondy. K odtoku nádrže lze přistupovat odstraněním předního panelu. Všechny modely jsou vybaveny uživatelsky nastavitelnými bezpečnostními vypínacími body pro vysokou teplotu a ochranou proti přehřátí. Povrch DuraTop ™ je chladný na dotek i při provozu při vysokých teplotách.

Dodavatel: JULABO GmbH
Popis: Výkonný a robustní termostat/lázeň CORIO™ poskytuje přesnou teplotní regulaci, absolutní preciznost a široké rozpětí pracovních teplot. Imerzní termostat <B>CORIO</B>™ <B>C</B> je základní model, je ideální pro standardní interní aplikace, model <B>CORIO</B>™<B> CD</B> je vice pokročilý a lze použít pro kontrolu teploty externích aplikaci. Proudová tryska umožňuje plynulé nastavení toku v lázni. Transparentní polykarbonátové lázně jsou odolné a umožňuje uživateli snadno vidět položky v lázni.


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Dodavatel: JULABO GmbH
Popis: Řada topných cirkulátorů MAGIO™ pracuje s rozsahem provozních teplot 20 až +300 °C a topným výkonem až 3 kW. Se svým výkonným tlakovým/sacím čerpadlem jsou jednotky MAGIO™ ideální pro použití i při venkovních teplotách. Široký sortiment příslušenství a vynikající dynamika cirkulátorů MAGIO™ umožňuje modulární a individuální přizpůsobení se dané aplikaci.

Dodavatel: JULABO GmbH
Popis: The powerful and robust CORIO™ laboratory circulators provide the exact temperature, absolute precision, and a wide working temperature range. The <B>CORIO™ C</B> immersion thermostat is the basic model, it is ideal for standard internal applications, the <B>CORIO™ </B>CD/CP models are more advanced and can be equipped with an optional pump set for temperature control of external applications. The jet nozzle allows continuous adjustment of the pump stream in the bath. The bath attachment clamp enables either circulator to be mounted on virtually any bath (rectangular or round tanks).


Dodavatel: JULABO GmbH
Popis: The DYNEO™ DD immersion thermostats ensure high-performance in internal and external applications and have a wide range of modern data communication interfaces. Operation and handling is easy using the large TFT colour display and the state of the art turn and push controller.

Dodavatel: JULABO GmbH
Popis: The MAGIO™ series of bridge mounted circulators operate with a working temperature range of −50 to +300 °C* and a heating capacity of up to 3 kW. With their powerful pressure/suction pump the MAGIO™ units are ideal for external temperature applications. An extensive range of accessories and excellent dynamics mean that the MAGIO™ immersion thermostats can be adapted to different tanks and applications.

Katalogové číslo: (462-0205)
Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: The MX immersion thermostat is user friendly with three control buttons and on-screen prompts. The convenient slide control enables the flow rate to be easily adjusted, and it can clamp securely to straight or curved tank walls.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

Dodavatel: JULABO GmbH
Popis: CORIO refrigerated/heating circulators distinguish themselves with a great price performance ratio. They are ideal for all standard tasks and routine work in laboratories and industry.


Dodavatel: JULABO GmbH
Popis: The powerful and robust CORIO™ laboratory circulators provide the exact temperature, absolute precision, and a wide working temperature range. The CORIO™ CD model is an advanced unit with professional technology for demanding applications and can be used for temperature control of internal or external applications. The jet nozzle allows continuous adjustment of the pump stream in the system. The insulated stainless steel baths are durable and have an integrated drain tap. These heating circulators are optimised for external temperature applications in combination with jacketed reactors, distillation apparatus, mini-plant applications, photometers, refractometers and can also be used for internal temperature applications of samples and small objects.

Dodavatel: JULABO GmbH
Popis: The MAGIO™ MX refrigerated/heating circulators operate with a working temperature range of −50 to +200 °C and heating capacity of 3 kW. With their powerful pressure/suction pump the MAGIO™ units are ideal for external temperature applications including reactors to 30 L. An extensive range of accessories is available.

New Product

Dodavatel: JULABO GmbH
Popis: The DYNEO™ DD heating circulators are available in several bath combinations, with varying bath sizes. DYNEO is designed for internal as well as external applications. Operation and handling is easy using the large TFT colour display and the state of the art turn and push controller. The bath tanks are well insulated with a built-in coil for counter cooling. An integrated drain tap makes emptying the tank safe and clean.

Dodavatel: JULABO GmbH
Popis: Chlazené a topné cirkulátory řady MAGIO™ pracují s rozsahem pracovních teplot −50 až +300 °C a topným výkonem až 3 kW. Díky výkonnému tlakovému/sacímu čerpadlu jsou zařízení MAGIO™ ideální pro použití i při venkovních teplotách. Rozsáhlý sortiment příslušenství a vynikající dynamika umožňuje modulární a individuální přizpůsobení cirkulátorů MAGIO™ dané aplikaci.

Environmentally Preferable

Dodavatel: JULABO GmbH
Popis: Calibration baths have been designed for applications in calibration laboratories such as ISO, DKD, NAMAS, UKAS and conform to the requirements according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000. Units have a chamber at a constant temperature level and can be used for precise calibration of temperature sensors, measuring instruments, thermometers according to national and international standards. Refrigerated models are suitable for use at temperatures from −30 to +200 °C as well as use as calibration baths for temperatures from 50 to 300 °C. With the optional precision reference sensor it is possible to measure the reference temperature. Baths feature a PID cascade temperature control for highest internal and external temperature stability and an integrated programmer with 10 program steps.

Katalogové číslo: (461-0384)
Dodavatel: JULABO GmbH
Popis: Heating immersion thermostats with wide range of functionality and features for your applications.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

Dodavatel: JULABO GmbH
Popis: The powerful and robust CORIO™ laboratory circulators provide the exact temperature, absolute precision and a wide working temperature range. The CORIO™ C immersion circulator is the basic model, it is ideal for standard internal applications, the CD model is more advanced and can used for temperature control of external applications if required. The jet nozzle allows continuous adjustment of the pump stream in the bath. The stainless steel baths are durable and have an integrated drain tap (except B5). These open heating bath circulators are ideal for temperature control of samples, preparation of samples for serology and clinical chemistry, analysis, and material testing. The CD-B units are ideal for external temperature control applications in combination with measuring instruments, measuring cells, photometers, refractometers and polarimeters.

Dodavatel: JULABO GmbH
Popis: DYNEO™ DD refrigerated circulators are powerful cooling units suitable for internal or external applications between –50 and +200 °C. The circulators function precisely and reliably even at elevated ambient temperatures up to +40 °C. The multilingual 8,89 cm colour display and unique rotary knob allow straightforward and intuitive operation. Units have ergonomic handles and a built in drain tap for easy and safe drainage.

Environmentally Preferable

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