
Hledali jste: Lázně vodní třepací

Shaking water baths agitate contained water in a linear or orbital action to guarantee heat is uniformly distributed. The integrated shaker beneath the tank eliminates the requirement for an additional shaking platform. Gentle heating magnetic couplings can be adjusted in addition to the shaking rates by the simple control panel. Low level alarms alert personnel when the shaking water bath water quantity make the devices in danger of boiling dry.

Shaking water baths agitate contained water in a linear or orbital action to guarantee heat is uniformly distributed. The integrated shaker beneath the tank eliminates the requirement for an additional shaking platform. Gentle heating magnetic couplings can be adjusted in addition to the shaking rates by the simple control panel. Low level alarms alert personnel when the shaking water bath water quantity make the devices in danger of boiling dry.

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Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: Lineární třepací vodní lázně s nádrží z nerezové oceli a jednoduchým, intuitivním uživatelským rozhraním. Je rychlá a snadná montáž alternativních třepacích podnosů.

Dodavatel: JULABO GmbH
Popis: Stainless steel shaking water baths are suitable for unsupervised continuous operation. The bright, LED Multi-Display showing up to six temperature values is visible from across the lab. Advanced microprocessor technology with PID temperature control eliminates temperature overshoot and provides high temperature stability. Sensitive samples are well protected; as soon as the high and low temperature limits are reached an intermittent tone sounds. If the liquid in the bath reaches a minimum, the unit shuts down completely and a continuous single tone sounds.

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Zlepšení rozmístění zásob

Popis: The Aqua Pro series of shaking water baths offers two bath models with exceptional temperature performance and usability. The baths are ideal for basic as well as more demanding applications in education, research, food and beverage industry, biopharma and the life sciences.

Katalogové číslo: (462-0519)
Popis: The OLS shaking water bath offers exceptional temperature performance and usability. The bath is ideal for basic as well as more demanding applications in education, research, food and beverage industry, biopharma and the life sciences.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

Dodavatel: LAUDA
Popis: Shaking water baths for exactly reproducible temperatures. The working temperature range is 25 to 100 °C.

Katalogové číslo: (EDVO5027)
Dodavatel: EDVOTEK
Popis: Digital stainless steel shaking water bath, designed for when incubation of samples together with precise aeration and agitation is required.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

Katalogové číslo: (GERB3550)
Popis: Shaking water bath, stainless steel. PID controller with PT-100 temperature sensor.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

Katalogové číslo: (HAKATSCIR35)
Popis: These circulating water baths are ideal when temperature uniformity and control are particularly critical, such as when working with enzymes and in serological applications.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

Katalogové číslo: (STUA12152-02)
Dodavatel: Cole Parmer
Popis: Customisethe shaking water bath to your requirements with platforms and racks
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

Popis: Digital and analogue linear shaking water baths with a stainless steel tank housed in a durable outer case. The corrosion resistant reciprocating trolley readily accepts perforated clip trays for holding flasks and test tube racks. The trolley is easily removed for cleaning purposes and a stainless steel recessed top accommodates flasks, clip trays etc prior to and after immersion. The 28 litre baths include a drain tap for convenient emptying. Digital shakers have splash proof controls featuring an advanced PID temperature controller with a LED display, allowing observation of set and actual temperature simultaneously to 0,1 °C resolution. They also feature a highly accurate PT 100 sensor with the added advantage that it is immersed in the water for accurate temperature measurement. An over-temperature alarm operates on digital baths at 4 °C above set point which switches of the heaters to protect the users work until a safe working temperature is achieved. Analogue model has an electronic temperature controller and an electronic speed control for shaking. The heater and safety device are concealed beneath the tank allowing for easy cleaning.

Popis: Precision™ water baths support a range of sensitive life science and QA/QC applications, from warming fragile reagents to tissue culturing and genetics sequencing.

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