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Dodavatel: VWR Chemicals
Popis: DNA grade agarose is suitable for the majority of routine DNA separations. For applications where a more stringent specification is required use agarose molecular biology grade.
Dodavatel: VWR Chemicals
Popis: Agarose 15 is suitable for use in a wide variety of general applications in protein electrophoresis and immunoelectrophoresis. It has a medium range of electroendosmosis and high gel strength.

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Dodavatel: VWR Chemicals
Popis: Agarose high resolution is optimised to give exceptional separation on agarose of nucleic acid fragments below 1000 base pairs, and differing by only a few base pairs. It retains the low gelling characteristics of the standard Agarose HR, and offers significantly increased gel strength at the expense of a higher melting temperature. This results in gels which are flexible and easy to handle. These properties make it the agarose of choice for analytical gel separations to check the quality and size of amplified fragments, and for use in restriction mapping involving small digestion fragments.
Dodavatel: VWR Chemicals
Popis: Agarose, low gelling temperature has low melting and gelling temperatures, low sulphate content and high optical clarity. It is suitable for use in protein and nucleic acid electrophoresis and for immobilisation of heat-labile substances (e.g. bacteria, yeast and eukaryotic cells) due to the low gelling point. In addition, the low melting point of this agarose offers the possibility of recovering proteins and nucleic acids without denaturation when re-melted.
Dodavatel: VWR Chemicals
Popis: Agarose high resolution (HR) has melting, max. 90 °C, and gelling temperatures (32,5 to 38 °C), but differs from traditional low melting point molecular biology grade agaroses in the gel separation range. Using this agarose in electrophoresis allows fine and consistent resolution of nucleic acids below 1000 base pairs, which differ by only a few base pairs. The properties of Agarose HR allow consistent gel separations (analytical and preparative) and performance of <i>in-vitro</i> translation and transcription mapping, as well as <i>in-vivo</i> ligation and transformation. For analytical gel separation of DNA/RNA below 1000 base pairs, where a higher gel strength for ease of manipulation is required, we recommend the use of Agarose, high resolution, Electran (43655).
Dodavatel: VWR Chemicals
Popis: Agarose 25 is suitable for use in a wide range of protein electrophoresis techniques and is particularly recommended for counter immunoelectrophoresis. In this application the higher electroendosmosis permits optimum positioning during antibody/antigen contact.
Dodavatel: PanReac AppliChem
Popis: Agaróza

Katalogové číslo: (H32568.AU)
Dodavatel: Thermo Scientific
Popis: Agaróza 6% B - CL, cross-linked, beads
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1.000 mL

Dodavatel: Thermo Scientific
Popis: Agaróza for electrophoresis medium-low electroendosmosis (EEO) (Mr = 0.12)
Dodavatel: Thermo Scientific
Popis: Agaróza ME for electrophoresis of macromolecules
Dodavatel: Apollo Scientific
Popis: Agaróza low EEO type D1, Molecular Biology Grade

Dodavatel: PanReac AppliChem
Popis: Agaróza
Dodavatel: Thermo Scientific
Popis: Agaróza LM, low melting for recovery of samples after separation
Dodavatel: Thermo Scientific
Popis: Agaróza for electrophoresis, for electrophoresis medium electroendosmosis (EEO) (Mr = 0.16 - 0.19)
Dodavatel: Thermo Scientific
Popis: Agaróza MS8 molecular sieve grade, for small DNA fragments
Dodavatel: Apollo Scientific
Popis: Agarose Molecular Screening 8 for improved resolution of DNA fragments 50-1000bp, especially primers. Higher gel strength than agarose MS6, suitable for use in blotting.

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Omezené množství produktu na skladě. Zboží může být k dispozici v jiném skladě poblíž vašeho sídla. Přesvědčte se, že jste přihlášení na stránky, abyste mohli vidět dostupné položky na skladě. Pokud je stále zobrazeno call a potřebujete asistenci, volejte na číslo 321 570 321.
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