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Dodavatel: bimos
Popis: In order to create 'clean' or 'sterile' rooms, measures have to be implemented to prevent products and processes from becoming contaminated. This is a key requirement of the microelectronics sector, the pharmaceuticals industry, microsystem production, optics, medical engineering and healthcare. That is why bimos has worked together with industry and research specialists to develop its innovative range of cleanroom chairs for use in extreme conditions.

Dodavatel: bimos
Popis: <p>Texon high-tech and cleanroom chair. Unique and equipped for everything - The Texon cleanroom is the chair for the high-tech industry. Cleanroom-qualified for air purity class 3 in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14644-1 and ESD-compliant in accordance with EN 61340-5-1, in hygienic design and with maximum ergonomic comfort - the Texon has everything that is important for demanding high-tech workstations.</p>

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Zlepšení rozmístění zásob

Dodavatel: bimos
Popis: Industrial standing rest supports the body and relieve the strain from the spinal column.

Dodavatel: bimos
Popis: All-In-One chair offers versatile new seating solution with all the ergonomic features that closes the gap between office chair and workplace chair. It suits every single person and every single workplace situation and fulfils the demands of a great many workplaces in industry, healthcare, research and development.

Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: Pracovní židle s all-inclusive ergonomií: sklon sedáku, výška sedáku, výška opěradla a synchronní mechanismus s regulací hmotnosti. Synchronní technologie s regulací hmotnosti: Sklon sedáku a opěradla se automaticky přizpůsobí aktuálnímu držení těla. K dispozici je systém plynulé regulace hmotnosti, který zajišťuje, že opěradlo reaguje podle toho, jak velký tlak je vyvíjen. Je zvláště užitečné v případech, kdy dochází k častým změnám pracovní polohy.

Dodavatel: Kango
Popis: Měkké ergonomické sedáky z polyuretanu pro maximální pohodlí, měkká polyurethanová pěna vyhovuje mnoha různým podmínkám a prostředím.

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-2423R-A750)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: This gene encodes a transmembrane protein containing six epidermal growth factor repeats. The protein is involved in the differentiation of several cell types, including adipocytes; it is also thought to be a tumor suppressor. It is one of several imprinted genes located in a region of on chr 14q32. Certain mutations in this imprinted region can cause phenotypes similar to maternal and paternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 14 (UPD14). This gene is expressed from the paternal allele. A polymorphism within this gene has been associated with child and adolescent obesity. The mode of inheritance for this polymorphism is polar overdominance; this non-Mendelian inheritance pattern was first described in sheep with the callipyge phenotype, which is characterised by muscle hypertrophy and decreased fat mass.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BIMO9608-2000SO272)
Dodavatel: bimos
Popis: Large, ergonomically designed backrest to take the strain off the spine and muscles with integrated lumbar support.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-2423R-A647)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: This gene encodes a transmembrane protein containing six epidermal growth factor repeats. The protein is involved in the differentiation of several cell types, including adipocytes; it is also thought to be a tumor suppressor. It is one of several imprinted genes located in a region of on chr 14q32. Certain mutations in this imprinted region can cause phenotypes similar to maternal and paternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 14 (UPD14). This gene is expressed from the paternal allele. A polymorphism within this gene has been associated with child and adolescent obesity. The mode of inheritance for this polymorphism is polar overdominance; this non-Mendelian inheritance pattern was first described in sheep with the callipyge phenotype, which is characterized by muscle hypertrophy and decreased fat mass. [provided by RefSeq, Mar 2010].
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Dodavatel: bimos
Popis: Neon supports the forward-leaning sitting position that is often necessary in lab work. Its modern design matches the high-tech laboratory environment perfectly and of course it has all the characteristics you would expect of a good laboratory chair. It is seamless, easy to clean, washable, and resistant to disinfectants. So, Neon is the ideal solution for the laboratory, when a really comfortable ergonomic chair is needed.

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Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-2423R-A680)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: This gene encodes a transmembrane protein containing six epidermal growth factor repeats. The protein is involved in the differentiation of several cell types, including adipocytes; it is also thought to be a tumor suppressor. It is one of several imprinted genes located in a region of on chr 14q32. Certain mutations in this imprinted region can cause phenotypes similar to maternal and paternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 14 (UPD14). This gene is expressed from the paternal allele. A polymorphism within this gene has been associated with child and adolescent obesity. The mode of inheritance for this polymorphism is polar overdominance; this non-Mendelian inheritance pattern was first described in sheep with the callipyge phenotype, which is characterised by muscle hypertrophy and decreased fat mass.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Dodavatel: Kango
Popis: Flexible PU resistance to sharp tools, sparks, weak acids and hydrocarbons. Special conductive PU connects to the metal parts of the chair, allowing electricity to be discharged through carbon casters or pads.

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-2423R-CY5.5)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: This gene encodes a transmembrane protein containing six epidermal growth factor repeats. The protein is involved in the differentiation of several cell types, including adipocytes; it is also thought to be a tumor suppressor. It is one of several imprinted genes located in a region of on chr 14q32. Certain mutations in this imprinted region can cause phenotypes similar to maternal and paternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 14 (UPD14). This gene is expressed from the paternal allele. A polymorphism within this gene has been associated with child and adolescent obesity. The mode of inheritance for this polymorphism is polar overdominance; this non-Mendelian inheritance pattern was first described in sheep with the callipyge phenotype, which is characterized by muscle hypertrophy and decreased fat mass. [provided by RefSeq, Mar 2010].
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-2423R-CY3)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: This gene encodes a transmembrane protein containing six epidermal growth factor repeats. The protein is involved in the differentiation of several cell types, including adipocytes; it is also thought to be a tumor suppressor. It is one of several imprinted genes located in a region of on chr 14q32. Certain mutations in this imprinted region can cause phenotypes similar to maternal and paternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 14 (UPD14). This gene is expressed from the paternal allele. A polymorphism within this gene has been associated with child and adolescent obesity. The mode of inheritance for this polymorphism is polar overdominance; this non-Mendelian inheritance pattern was first described in sheep with the callipyge phenotype, which is characterized by muscle hypertrophy and decreased fat mass. [provided by RefSeq, Mar 2010].
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-2423R-A555)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: This gene encodes a transmembrane protein containing six epidermal growth factor repeats. The protein is involved in the differentiation of several cell types, including adipocytes; it is also thought to be a tumor suppressor. It is one of several imprinted genes located in a region of on chr 14q32. Certain mutations in this imprinted region can cause phenotypes similar to maternal and paternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 14 (UPD14). This gene is expressed from the paternal allele. A polymorphism within this gene has been associated with child and adolescent obesity. The mode of inheritance for this polymorphism is polar overdominance; this non-Mendelian inheritance pattern was first described in sheep with the callipyge phenotype, which is characterized by muscle hypertrophy and decreased fat mass. [provided by RefSeq, Mar 2010].
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-2423R-A488)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: This gene encodes a transmembrane protein containing six epidermal growth factor repeats. The protein is involved in the differentiation of several cell types, including adipocytes; it is also thought to be a tumor suppressor. It is one of several imprinted genes located in a region of on chr 14q32. Certain mutations in this imprinted region can cause phenotypes similar to maternal and paternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 14 (UPD14). This gene is expressed from the paternal allele. A polymorphism within this gene has been associated with child and adolescent obesity. The mode of inheritance for this polymorphism is polar overdominance; this non-Mendelian inheritance pattern was first described in sheep with the callipyge phenotype, which is characterized by muscle hypertrophy and decreased fat mass. [provided by RefSeq, Mar 2010].
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Cena na vyžádání
Omezené množství produktu na skladě. Zboží může být k dispozici v jiném skladě poblíž vašeho sídla. Přesvědčte se, že jste přihlášení na stránky, abyste mohli vidět dostupné položky na skladě. Pokud je stále zobrazeno call a potřebujete asistenci, volejte na číslo 321 570 321.
Omezené množství produktu na skladě. Zboží může být k dispozici v jiném skladě poblíž vašeho sídla. Přesvědčte se, že jste přihlášení na stránky, abyste mohli vidět dostupné položky na skladě. Pokud je stále zobrazeno call a potřebujete asistenci, volejte na číslo 321 570 321.
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-Additional Documentation May be needed to purchase this item. A VWR representative will contact you if needed.
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Tento produkt již není k dispozici. Podobné produkty můžete vyhledat pomocí VWR katalogových čísel nebo čísel dodavatele uvedených výše. Pokud potřebujete další asistenci, zavolejte na telefonní číslo zákaznického servisu VWR 321 570 321.
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