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Popis: Improve the prep time, performance, microbial barrier, and cleanliness of your autoclave peel pouches.

Popis: Protective leather gloves, granting superb mechanical performance, comfort and grip.

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Zlepšení rozmístění zásob

Popis: Díky materiálu HYDROKNIT*, utěrka WYPALL* X50 zajišťuje rychlou absorpci, odolnost k roztržení a vysoký výkon.

Dodavatel: ENTEGRIS
Popis: High performance, disposable filters for low flow applications. These filters provide compatibility with a wide range of acids, bases and non flammable solvents at ambient temperatures.

Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Standardistion at 25 °C traceable to NIST Standard Reference Material.
Popis: These Kevlar® knitted gloves offer good cut resistance and robust overall mechanical performance.

Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Standardisation at 25 °C traceable to NIST Standard Reference Material.
Dodavatel: CleanAir by Baker
Popis: CleanAir by Baker DLF series is a high quality vertical laminar flow workbench range for handling non-hazardous materials that require a clean working environment. DLF PCR Series is designed to perform PCR. These cabinets ambient air entering the work area, ensures product protection.

Popis: AREC 7 series hotplate stirrers are designed to provide safety, reliability and the highest heating and stirring performance. The resistant ceramic square top ensures temperature homogeneity, thermal efficiency and a durable heating performance over time.

Katalogové číslo: (7530-00)
Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: J.T.Baker® BAKERBOND®, Objemové fázové médium styren divinylbenzen (SBD 1)
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 g

Dodavatel: Thermo Scientific
Popis: Poly(vinylidene fluoride) is useful in coatings, film, filter cloth, instrument linings, filtration membranes, pump parts, linings and valves. It is also employed as a material for transducers in devices such as headphones, microphones and sonic detectors. It is also essential for piezoelectric and electrostrictive applications. In addition, it is useful for monofilament fishing lines replacing nylon monofilament. It acts as a standard binder used in the production of composite electrodes for lithium ion batteries. It serves as a high grade insulator for wires, nanomaterials and pressure sensors. It is utilized to make filters which are used to prepare samples for high performance liquid chromatography and other advanced analytical techniques.
Notes: Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents.
Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Ty se používají v nízkotlaké preparativní chromatografii. Specifikace sít zajišťuje, že v produktu není žádný přebytek jemných částic, které by mohly ovlivnit průtok a výkon separace.
Popis: Thanks to its natural rubber coating, the Ansell ActivArmr® 80-100 glove delivers excellent overall mechanical performance for maximal protection and durability.

Popis: Thanks to their NBR coating, EDGE® 48-920 light duty safety gloves offer excellent oil and abrasion resistance and high grip performance in oily conditions.

Popis: Magnetic hotplate stirrers, designed to provide optimal heating performance, reliability, and exceptionally long product lifetime. Different models to fulfil any laboratory requirement, from basic applications to precise thermoregulation.


Popis: These knitted nylon/spandex gloves feature a FORTIX® nitrile foam coating on the palm, providing EN Abrasion Level 4 protection, with up to three times the abrasion performance of other lightweight, knit-dipped gloves.

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Omezené množství produktu na skladě. Zboží může být k dispozici v jiném skladě poblíž vašeho sídla. Přesvědčte se, že jste přihlášení na stránky, abyste mohli vidět dostupné položky na skladě. Pokud je stále zobrazeno call a potřebujete asistenci, volejte na číslo 321 570 321.
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