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Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Avantor® Partisil® was one of the first commercially available irregular silicas. A large surface area gives it a high loading capacity. Avantor® Partisil® ion-exchange materials are widely referenced and remain one of the most popular choices for analysts.

Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Kyselina dusičná 65%, BAKER ANALYZED®, Laboratory Reagent, J.T.Baker®

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Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Avantor® ACE® Excel® AQ columns provide great reproducibility and column lifetime. These stainless steel columns are available in a wide range of particle sizes and dimensions from capillary to preparative.

Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Avantor® ACE® Excel® C18-Amide is a uniquely designed stationary phase offering improved retention of polar compounds, enhanced phenolic resolution and alternative selectivity to C18 bonded columns. These stainless steel columns are available in a wide range of particle sizes and dimensions from capillary to preparative.

Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: The Avantor® ACE® Excel® C18-AR phase utilises a specially developed ligand combining a C18 chain with integral phenyl functionality, thus combining the benefits of both C18 and phenyl characteristics into a single phase. This can be used for ‘standard’ C18 column separations, but is additionally recommended for separations that involve compounds containing aromatic functionality.

Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Avantor® ACE® Excel® C18-PFP phase utilizes a specially developed ligand combining a C18 chain with integral PFP functionality. This results in a phase that maintains the hydrophobic, stability and low bleed characteristics of leading C18 phases, yet provides the multiple retention mechanisms of a PFP phase.
Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Clearing agent for use in Histology and Cytology.
Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: The J.T.Baker<sup>®</sup> BAKERBOND<sup>®</sup> PROchievA™ protein A resin offers superior dynamic binding capacity with excellent alkaline stability linked to Avantor's proprietary ligand.
Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Stainless steel, Avantor® ACE® guard cartridge holders are used for connecting guard cartridges to the LC column which then provides column protection and can extend the lifetime of your column. Holders are required for all Avantor® ACE® guard cartridges. Stand-alone holders require the use of a suitable connector often known as a column coupler.

Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Avantor® Alltima HPLC columns are high quality phases designed for general purpose applications.

Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Avantor® Alltima HPLC columns are high quality phases designed for general purpose applications.

Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Avantor® ACE® Oligo is a unique encapsulated stationary phase for high resolution ion-pair reversed-phase analysis of oligonucleotides. These high pH stable stainless steel columns are compatible with all buffers and mobile phases typically used for oligonucletide analysis by LC-UV and LC-MS, including TEAA and HFIP.

Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: These ultra-inert Avantor® ACE® C8 columns provide great reproducibility and column lifetime. These stainless steel columns are available in a wide range of particle sizes and dimensions from capillary to preparative.

Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Avantor® ACE® C18 columns provide great reproducibility and column lifetime. These stainless steel columns are available in a wide range of particle sizes and dimensions from capillary to preparative.

Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Typ kolony: HPLC column, LiChrosorb®, Silica (Si), Ø vnitř.: 4,00 mm, Délka: 250 mm, Velikost pórů: 60 Å, Velikost částic: 5 µm

Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Avantor® Hichrom, Spanner ¹/₄×⁵/₁₆" AF, Nerezová ocel, Použití s typem hlavy: ¹/₄" and ⁵/₁₆"

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Omezené množství produktu na skladě. Zboží může být k dispozici v jiném skladě poblíž vašeho sídla. Přesvědčte se, že jste přihlášení na stránky, abyste mohli vidět dostupné položky na skladě. Pokud je stále zobrazeno call a potřebujete asistenci, volejte na číslo 321 570 321.
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