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Dodavatel: VWR Chemicals
Popis: Adenosine-5'- diphosphate, disodium salt. Involved in energy and nucleic acid metabolism.
Popis: Adenosine-5'-diphosphate monopotassium salt ≥87%

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Zlepšení rozmístění zásob

Katalogové číslo: (CAYM38670-2.7)
Dodavatel: Cayman Chemical
Popis: 2'-Deoxy-3'-O-(N'-methylanthraniloyl)adenosine-5'-O-diphosphate sodium salt ≥95%
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 2,7 mg

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Popis: Adenosine 5'-diphosphate disodium salt (ADP disodium salt)

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Dodavatel: Thermo Scientific
Popis: Adenosine 5'-diphosphate disodium salt (ADP disodium salt), (max. 7% H₂O) 96% (dry weight)
Dodavatel: Thermo Scientific
Popis: Adenosine 5'-diphosphate disodium salt (ADP disodium salt) hydrate 98%
Dodavatel: Apollo Scientific
Popis: Adenosine 5'-diphosphate disodium salt (ADP disodium salt) ≥96%

Dodavatel: Thermo Scientific
Popis: Flavin adenine dinucleotide disodium salt hydrate, (max. 10% H₂O) 94% (dry weight)
Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-12529R-CY3)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Actin-related proteins are classified into Arp subclasses according to their amino acid sequence similarity to Actin. Both Arps and Actin proteins have an ATPase domain, which catalyzes the decomposition of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) into adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and a free phosphate ion to release energy. ArpM1 (actin-related protein M1) is a 372 amino acid ubiquitously expressed protein that localizes to both the cytoplasm and the cytoskeleton and belongs to the Arp family of Actin-like proteins. The gene encoding ArpM1 maps to human chromosome 3, which houses over 1,100 genes, including a chemokine receptor (CKR) gene cluster and a variety of human cancer-related gene loci.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-12529R-A647)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Actin-related proteins are classified into Arp subclasses according to their amino acid sequence similarity to Actin. Both Arps and Actin proteins have an ATPase domain, which catalyzes the decomposition of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) into adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and a free phosphate ion to release energy. ArpM1 (actin-related protein M1) is a 372 amino acid ubiquitously expressed protein that localizes to both the cytoplasm and the cytoskeleton and belongs to the Arp family of Actin-like proteins. The gene encoding ArpM1 maps to human chromosome 3, which houses over 1,100 genes, including a chemokine receptor (CKR) gene cluster and a variety of human cancer-related gene loci.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-12529R-A555)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Actin-related proteins are classified into Arp subclasses according to their amino acid sequence similarity to Actin. Both Arps and Actin proteins have an ATPase domain, which catalyzes the decomposition of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) into adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and a free phosphate ion to release energy. ArpM1 (actin-related protein M1) is a 372 amino acid ubiquitously expressed protein that localizes to both the cytoplasm and the cytoskeleton and belongs to the Arp family of Actin-like proteins. The gene encoding ArpM1 maps to human chromosome 3, which houses over 1,100 genes, including a chemokine receptor (CKR) gene cluster and a variety of human cancer-related gene loci.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Dodavatel: Thermo Scientific
Popis: CAS No.: 84366-81-4
Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-12529R-CY5)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Actin-related proteins are classified into Arp subclasses according to their amino acid sequence similarity to Actin. Both Arps and Actin proteins have an ATPase domain, which catalyzes the decomposition of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) into adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and a free phosphate ion to release energy. ArpM1 (actin-related protein M1) is a 372 amino acid ubiquitously expressed protein that localizes to both the cytoplasm and the cytoskeleton and belongs to the Arp family of Actin-like proteins. The gene encoding ArpM1 maps to human chromosome 3, which houses over 1,100 genes, including a chemokine receptor (CKR) gene cluster and a variety of human cancer-related gene loci.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-12529R-A680)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Actin-related proteins are classified into Arp subclasses according to their amino acid sequence similarity to Actin. Both Arps and Actin proteins have an ATPase domain, which catalyses the decomposition of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) into adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and a free phosphate ion to release energy. ArpM1 (actin-related protein M1) is a 372 amino acid ubiquitously expressed protein that localizes to both the cytoplasm and the cytoskeleton and belongs to the Arp family of Actin-like proteins. The gene encoding ArpM1 maps to human chromosome 3, which houses over 1100 genes, including a chemokine receptor (CKR) gene cluster and a variety of human cancer-related gene loci.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-12529R-FITC)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Actin-related proteins are classified into Arp subclasses according to their amino acid sequence similarity to Actin. Both Arps and Actin proteins have an ATPase domain, which catalyzes the decomposition of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) into adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and a free phosphate ion to release energy. ArpM1 (actin-related protein M1) is a 372 amino acid ubiquitously expressed protein that localizes to both the cytoplasm and the cytoskeleton and belongs to the Arp family of Actin-like proteins. The gene encoding ArpM1 maps to human chromosome 3, which houses over 1,100 genes, including a chemokine receptor (CKR) gene cluster and a variety of human cancer-related gene loci.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-12529R-CY7)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Actin-related proteins are classified into Arp subclasses according to their amino acid sequence similarity to Actin. Both Arps and Actin proteins have an ATPase domain, which catalyzes the decomposition of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) into adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and a free phosphate ion to release energy. ArpM1 (actin-related protein M1) is a 372 amino acid ubiquitously expressed protein that localizes to both the cytoplasm and the cytoskeleton and belongs to the Arp family of Actin-like proteins. The gene encoding ArpM1 maps to human chromosome 3, which houses over 1,100 genes, including a chemokine receptor (CKR) gene cluster and a variety of human cancer-related gene loci.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

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Omezené množství produktu na skladě. Zboží může být k dispozici v jiném skladě poblíž vašeho sídla. Přesvědčte se, že jste přihlášení na stránky, abyste mohli vidět dostupné položky na skladě. Pokud je stále zobrazeno call a potřebujete asistenci, volejte na číslo 321 570 321.
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