
Kits: sickle cell gene detection (DNA-based), Ready-to-Load™

Dodavatel: EDVOTEK
116 116-C
EDVO116EA 2830 CZK
Kits: sickle cell gene detection (DNA-based), Ready-to-Load™
Materiály výukové Materiál pro výuku biologie Aktivity pro výuku genetiky
This Ready-to-Load™ kit shows how a restriction enzyme can be used to screen DNA for Sickle Cell Anaemia.

  • For six lab groups

Also required: Electrophoresis tank, power supply, micropipettes (5 to 50 µl adjustable or 40 µl fixed volume) with tips, and a white light box is recommended.

Informace o dodávce: Kit includes instructions, Ready-to-Load™ DNA samples, agarose powder, practice gel loading solution, electrophoresis buffer, InstaStain® DNA stain, 1 ml calibrated drop pipette, 100 ml graduated cyclinder and microtipped transfer pipettes.

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