Hledali jste: Sealing Compounds
241 výsledků nalezeno
Antibiotics & Antimycotics
Antibiotics & Antimycotics Antibiotics and Antimycotics Antibiotics and Antimycotics are a type of antimicrobial drug used in the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections. They may either kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms. In sc...
How to improve the reliability of your PCR results
How to improve the reliability of your PCR results Webinar Monday 9th November 2020 11:00 to 12:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání po dobu 1 roku Reliable PCR results and contamination avoidance...
High Pressure System Offers Highest Pressure Ever from a Masterflex Flexible Tubing Pump
High Pressure System Offers Highest Pressure Ever from a Masterflex Flexible Tubing Pump Vernon Hills Illinois October 3 2002—Peristaltic fluid transfer at higher pressures using flexible tubing is now a reality with the new Masterflex® high-press...
Biopharma workflow solutions
Biopharma workflow solutions Connect with us for single-use simplicity Get the convenience of our industry-leading expertise, comprehensive product offerings and custom assemblies for complete workflows Get your single-use bioprocess workflows up ...
How to reduce your sample loss to significantly improve your results
How to reduce your sample loss to significantly improve your results Webinar Thursday 9th November 2023 15:00 to 16:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance We will examine how small ch...
Peristaltic Pump Technology Meets the Needs of Filling Applications
Peristaltic Pump Technology Meets the Needs of Filling Applications Features and benefits inherent to peristaltic tubing pumps are well-known and backed up by years of trouble-free operation in a variety of applications across several industries. ...
Čerpadla Masterflex zajišťují přesnou, opakovatelnou a flexibilní farmaceutickou výrobu
Čerpadla Masterflex zajišťují přesnou opakovatelnou a flexibilní farmaceutickou výrobu Gregg E. Johnson Sr. Global Product Manager Masterflex Bioprocessing USA. Besides requiring precise liquid metering dosing and transfer virtually all pharmaceut...
NMR NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) is used as a standard analysis method for structural determination of an organic compound. In NMR analysis the ratio of the number of atomic nuclei in a compound corresponds to the ratio of the areas of the pea...
Basics of Centrifugation
Basics of Centrifugation Reprinted with permission of THERMO The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce basic concepts of centrifugation including vocabulary centrifuge and rotor types separation techniques and even gradient selection. For furth...
Kapalinová chromatografie – analytická
Kapalinová chromatografie – analytická Vysokoúčinná kapalinová chromatografie (HPLC) a Ultra-rychlá vysokoúčinná kapalinová chromatografie (UHPLC) patří mezi nejpoužívanější techniky v chemických a biologických odvětvích. Avantor equipment and pro...
Upgrade your spectrophotometer from absorbance to sample quantification and kinetics study with NanoCuvette™ One
Upgrade your spectrophotometer from absorbance to sample quantification and kinetics study with NanoCuvette™ One Webinar Thursday 1st July 2021 15:30 to 16:30 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání po ...
European standards for protective gloves
European standards for protective gloves CE marking of protective gloves Protective gloves are personal protective equipment or PPE. PPE products are certified according to the European Directive 89/686/EC. This directive determines the fundamenta...
Příslušenství ke vzorkovačům
Příslušenství ke vzorkovačům Správné příslušenství vám pomůže proces odběru vzorků zdokonalit. V této kapitole je uveden malý výběr užitečných nástrojů pro optimalizaci vzorkování. Štítky close-it Pevně přilnou na většinu materiálů dokonce in na p...
Featured Life Science Solutions & Suppliers
Featured Life Science Solutions & Suppliers Cell Biology From Cell to Therapy Solutions for your entire workflow – from basic research to biopharma production. Tools and services to accelerate your research & development. Meet Revolve the new hybr...
Spektrofotometre Spektrofotometre majú široké využitie vo viacerých laboratóriách so zameraním na výskum kontrolu kvality a farmaceutiku a uplatňujú sa v oblasti chémie biochémie prírodných vied analýzy vody a v potravinárskom a nápojovom priemysl...
Manufacturing Environmental Control Products in Bioprocessing
Manufacturing Environmental Control Products in Bioprocessing Maintaining environmental control during the manufacturing or down packing process is part of managing your risk. Avantor® offers products from industry-leading manufacturers backed by ...
113 - 128 of 241