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Hledali jste: Pufry pH

322  výsledků nalezeno

Mikrobiální kultivace

Mikrobiální kultivace Mikrobiální kultivace je potřebná pro množení mikroorganismů před identifikací nebo analýzou. Používají se specifická kultivační média která vytvářejí ideální podmínky pro růst zájmových mikroorganismů. Nové mikrobiologické p...

Precízne meracie nástroje

Precízne meracie nástroje Či už pracujete vo výskumnom laboratóriu nemocnici alebo prevádzke na výrobu elektroniky spoločnosť VWR vám ponúka tie správne nástroje pre vaše potreby v oblasti presnosti a navyše aj kalibračné služby. Naše pipety VWR m...

ls ge29064298 20140207232234

imagination at work Application note 29-0642-98 AC Chromatography systems Purification of GST-tagged protein using ÄKTA™ start ÄKTA start is an easy-to-use reliable protein purification system. In this application note it is described how Erica a ...

Avantor® ACE® Knowledge notes

Avantor® ACE® Knowledge notes The Scale-up Process: from Analytical to Preparative Scale LC Separations This knowledge note demonstrates how to achieve a high-yield preparative scale separation and confirm the purity of the resulting isolated frac...

ls ge29064302 20131220222157

imagination at work Application note 29-0643-02 AB Chromatography systems Purification of antibodies using ÄKTA™ start and HiTrap™ Protein G HP column Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) from many species can be purified using HiTrap Prote...

Gent-Gavere Manufacturing Facility

Gent-Gavere Manufacturing Facility The automated cap sorter at our manufacturing facility in Gent-Gavere, Belgium Automatic filling line Automated production line Automatic filling line Core Capabilities Mixing and filling of histological products...


Aplikácie Water Quality ISO 6059 Determination of Total Hardness ( calcium and magnesium) -- Titrimetric method with EDTA ISO 6058 Determination of calcium -- Titrimetric method with EDTA EN ISO 9963-1 Determination of Total Alcalinity & composite...

Poučné informace

Poučné informace Poučné informace Ať jste začátečník nebo odborník shromáždili jsme řadu videí která vám pomohou při vašich každodenních činnostech. The Scale-up Process: from Analytical to Preparative Scale LC Separations This knowledge note demo...

@@NUMMER 8090145@@

@@NUMMER 8090145@@ 1 DNA-ExitusPlus & DNA-ExitusPlus IF Reagent for the removal of DNA and RNA contaminations Product codes A7089 and A7409 Description DNA-ExitusPlus™ is a novel patented reagent for the removal of nucleic acid contamination fro...

UV/VIS spectroscopy

UV/VIS spectroscopy UV/Vis analysis with a spectrophotometer can require different types of chemicals. First a specific grade of solvents is developed to avoid optical impurities of your sample. Second the spectrophotometer needs to be calibrated ...

@@NUMMER 8090145@@

@@NUMMER 8090145@@ 1 DNA-ExitusPlus & DNA-ExitusPlus IF Reagent for the removal of DNA and RNA contaminations Product codes A7089 and A7409 Description DNA-ExitusPlus™ is a novel patented reagent for the removal of nucleic acid contamination fro...

Kalibrace – rozsah

Kalibrace – rozsah Naše služby v oblasti shody a metrologie zahrnují široký sortiment služeb kalibrace pro laboratorní vybavení a měřicí vybavení: Aktuální rozsah je: Váhy Teploměry Zapisovače teplot Chladničky Mrazničky Inkubátory CO2 Pipety Výde...

Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern

Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern Application Datum: 10.02.2014 Seite 1 von 12 Determination of free Chlorine and total Chlorine in Water and Wastewater Application Datum: 10.02.2014 Seite 2 von 12 Use This method is used for the q...

Hichrom Catalogue 9

Hichrom Catalogue 9 HICHROM Chromatography Columns and Supplies Hichrom Limited 1 The Markham Centre Station Road Theale Reading Berks RG7 4PE UK Tel: +44 (0)118 930 3660 Fax: +44 (0)118 932 3484 Email: sales@hichrom.co.uk www.hichrom.co.uk Catalo...

Instrumentation Mini Symposium: Latest Updates in Preparative Chromatography & Amino Acid Analysis

Instrumentation Mini Symposium: Latest Updates in Preparative Chromatography & Amino Acid Analysis Webinar Thursday 24th June 2021 14:30 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Register now! Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance In ...

Instrument Calibration, Installation, and Preventive Maintenance

Instrument Calibration, Installation, and Preventive Maintenance Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us VWR can help you maintain the required accuracy of your equipment and instruments. VWRCATALYST currently...