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Hledali jste: Mechanical Seals

190  výsledků nalezeno

~~European standards for eye protection~~

European standards for eye protection Basic standards EN 166Technical performance standard EN 167Methods for optical tests EN 168Test methods other than optical Standards by application EN 169Welding filters EN 170Ultraviolet filters EN 171Infrare...


Tlačiť Spresniť výsledok Kategória produktov Sáčky (934) Utěrky sterilizační (203) Návleky ochranné (200) Popisovače (26) Masky (13) Viac... Jednorázové oděvy (1) Dodávateľ KEYSTONE CLEANROOM PRODUCTS (1436) Spresniť podľa dodávateľov Zoradiť podľ...

Abgene™ and Nunc™ plates for Biobanking/Storage

Abgene™ and Nunc™ plates for Biobanking/Storage When a storage tube or microcentrifuge tube does not make sense for your application a polypropylene plate can be the perfect solution. Plates are ideal as intermediate solutions between short and lo...

Protect Your PCR Samples

Protect Your PCR Samples Fight evaporation loss and contamination Even when using adhesive sealing films for PCR plates evaporation of samples can be a problem – especially in peripheral wells. Validation testing shows that the combination of BRAN...


Thermo Scientific Automated Sample Storage Resource Guide proven solutions to preserve samples Sample storage at cryogenic and extremely low temperatures provides security for biological specimens and derivatives of those specimens genomic materia...

Abgene™ and Nunc™ plates for Biobanking/Storage

Abgene™ and Nunc™ plates for Biobanking/Storage When a storage tube or microcentrifuge tube does not make sense for your application a polypropylene plate can be the perfect solution. Plates are ideal as intermediate solutions between short and lo...

European standards for eye protection

European standards for eye protection Basic standards EN 166Technical performance standard EN 167Methods for optical tests EN 168Test methods other than optical Standards by application EN 169Welding filters EN 170Ultraviolet filters EN 171Infrare...


Thermo Scientific Automated Sample Storage Resource Guide proven solutions to preserve samples Sample storage at cryogenic and extremely low temperatures provides security for biological specimens and derivatives of those specimens genomic materia...

Accelerating The Study Of Viral Infections & Therapeutics

Accelerating The Study Of Viral Infections & Therapeutics Webinar Thursday 3rd September 2020 16:00 to 17:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání po dobu 1 roku Learn how you can use microplate read...


FlexFit® Lower insertion force to make a secure seal StarStop™ Eliminates high ejection forces No Positive Stop Higher ejection forces No FlexFit® Requires higher forces to seal CompetitorBiotix Biotix X-Resin Non-Low Retention Tips Perfect Ergono...

brochure BRAND Inserts

High flexibility – to be used as a hanging or standing insert Easy to use and efficient in your cell culture lab cellGrade™ plus treated membranes for improved cell attachment and growth Genuine innovat ion for ce l l cu l ture BRAND Inser ts N E ...


Tisk… Třídit výsledky Produktová kategorie Sáčky (942) Utěrky sterilizační (224) Návleky ochranné (206) Popisovače (26) Masky (13) Více… Jednorázové oděvy (1) Dodavatel KEYSTONE CLEANROOM PRODUCTS (1436) Upřesnit podle dodavatele Řadit podle Počet...

Cavity Style vs. Suction Shoe Style Pump Heads

Cavity Style vs. Suction Shoe Style Pump Heads Pump-head design comparison for gear pumps This article discusses the differences between the cavity style and the suction shoe pump heads for gear pumps. Pump heads for gear pumps are available as wi...

Ochrana před pádem

Ochrana před pádem Společnost 3M nabízí vše co potřebujete pro práci ve výškách. Objevte širokou škálu spolehlivého pohodlného inovativního a vysoce kvalitního vybavení a různých řešení k zabránění pádu: ukotvení postroje konektory záchranné a eva...

Pracovní postupy ve farmacii

Pracovní postupy ve farmacii Inovativní spolehlivá a snadno použitelná řešení od společnosti Thermo Scientific™ jež vám pomohou splnit náročné požadavky v každé fázi vašeho sledu pracovních postupů ve farmacii. Máme nejrozsáhlejší sortiment chroma...

Process Peristaltic Pumps Provide Robust Effective Solutions For Demanding Mining Applications

Process Peristaltic Pumps Provide Robust Effective Solutions For Demanding Mining Applications Gregg E. Johnson Masterflex Barrington IL USA. With Masterflex ® peristaltic pumps a well-balanced range of capabilities and flexibility combines with o...