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Hledali jste: LA PHA PACK

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Hotová média

Hotová média Média připravená k použití, dodávají se ve formě různých ploten, zkumavek, lahví a vaků. Vhodné pro každodenní použití. Stálá vysoká jakost Pohodlí Zajišťují úsporu času a nákladů Osvědčení o analýze prokazující shodu s ISO, AFNOR, Ph...


2017_RF_SpecSheet__v012.indd PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Sterile Filtration Thermo Scientifi c Nalgene Rapid-Flow PES Filter Units and Bottle Tops Superior fl ow rates reduce downtime for cell culture applications Figure 3 NALGENE RAPID-FLOW IS FASTER ...


SPECIFICATION SHEET Thermo Scientific Nunc EasYDish cell culture dishes Novel ergonomic design improves ease of use Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ EasYDish™ cell culture dishes are designed to improve the handling stacking and transporting of cell cultu...

Thermo Scientific restriction enzymes

Thermo Scientific restriction enzymes The Great Double Digest Day Double Digest your DNA in only 5-15 minutes with one buffer and load directly onto your gel with 176 Thermo Scientific FastDigest Enzymes. Restriction digestion gets easy Thermo Sci...

Masterflex Tubing: Questions and Answers

Masterflex Tubing: Questions and Answers Masterflex® Pumps and Pump Tubing... MLFX96403-15 Q: How is Masterflex® pump tubing different from nominal/non-pump tubing? A: Masterflex pump tubing is manufactured to the exact dimensions of Masterflex tu...

INV2-COL31118-DCOL31118-D rev

Thermo Scientific PCR plastics selection guide Superior quality for high-performance PCR All PCR plastics are the same. Right? Wrong. For over 25 years we have been supplying a comprehensive range of high-quality consumables for molecular biology ...

Hichrom Catalogue 9

Hichrom Catalogue 9 HICHROM Chromatography Columns and Supplies Hichrom Limited 1 The Markham Centre Station Road Theale Reading Berks RG7 4PE UK Tel: +44 (0)118 930 3660 Fax: +44 (0)118 932 3484 Email: sales@hichrom.co.uk www.hichrom.co.uk Catalo...


Lysing Matrix for Sample Grinding Optimal cell disruption for any sample type LEARN MORE! mpbio.com mpbio.com2 Lysing Matrix FastPrep® Lysing beads and matrices make difficult-to-lyse samples easy. No matter how tough or resistant your samples are...

Focus: Chromatography Issue 1 2021

Focus: Chromatography Issue 1 2021 Contents: The next generation of high performance membrane for HPLC and UHPLC Avantor® chromatography solutions for the analysis of nitrosamines mAb purification platform development using SkillPak™ pre-packed co...

Focus Safety 2022-2023

Focus Safety 2022-2023 V tomto vydání časopisu FOCUS: Safety vám přinášíme produkty a řešení pro udržitelnost a inovativní řady výrobků pro zvýšení bezpečnosti a pohodlí obsluhy. 10 trendů v oblasti udržitelnosti a jejich možný dopad na vaše podni...

Masterflex-Single Use Control Document 2011

Masterflex-Single Use Control Document 2011 NOTE: This informaon is proprietary and confidenal. Reproducon of this material without prior authorizaon from Cole-Parmer is prohibited. Scale Sheet Ref. Rev. NTS - 866 802-- 0579 ColeParmer.com/masterf...

Solid Phase Extraction

Solid Phase Extraction Function-tested performance—For faster more precise separations superior reproducibility and accurate results in analytical chromatography. Request your application note J.T.Baker® BAKERBOND spe™ extraction disks 50mm disks ...

Vylučovací chromatografie

Vylučovací chromatografie SEC columns separate components according to their molecular size in solution larger molecules eluting first. Separation is achieved by the differential exclusion or inclusion of components within the packing material par...

Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Oxford Nanopore Technologies To enable the analysis of anything by anyone anywhere. Oxford Nanopore makes a novel generation of DNA/RNA sequencing technology that provides rich data is fast accessible and easy to use. Our goal is to disrupt the wa...

Avantor downstream optimization services

Avantor downstream optimization services From pre-clinical through commercial manufacturing Avantor works closely with biopharmaceutical customers to reduce downstream optimization turnaround times so biopharmaceutical customers can reach the mark...

Hichrom Catalogue 9

Hichrom Catalogue 9 HICHROM Chromatography Columns and Supplies Hichrom Limited 1 The Markham Centre Station Road Theale Reading Berks RG7 4PE UK Tel: +44 (0)118 930 3660 Fax: +44 (0)118 932 3484 Email: sales@hichrom.co.uk www.hichrom.co.uk Catalo...
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