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401 výsledků nalezeno
Gas Chromatography
Gas Chromatography Gas chromatography uses helium hydrogen or other gases to separate identify and quantify sample mixtures with reliable results. This technique is widely used in the food environmental and chemical industries but also has many ot...
BioPharm Plus Platinum-Cured Silicone Tubing
BioPharm Plus Platinum-Cured Silicone Tubing Advantages: Up to three times the working life of other platinum silicone tubings Excellent biocompatibility; no leachable additives DOP or plasticizers; odorless and nontoxic fungus resistant; no taste...
Nie všetky striekačkové filtre sú rovnaké
Nie všetky striekačkové filtre sú rovnaké Umožnite svojím vzorkám VIP starostlivosť od spoločnosti Pall Laboratory Nový univerzálny wwPTFE (vodou riediteľný polytetrafluóretylén) z laboratórií spoločnosti Pall vyčnieva z radu Táto inovatívna membr...
General Description of an Application
General Description of an Application Application Date: 09.08.2013 Page 1 of 8 Water determination according to Karl Fischer in organic liquids Application Date: 09.08.2013 Page 2 of 8 Use This method is a general description how to determine the ...
How packaging and handling of air- and moisture-sensitive solvents and reagents can increase success in organic synthesis
How packaging and handling of air- and moisture-sensitive solvents and reagents can increase success in organic synthesis Webinar Thursday 18th February 2021 14:00 to 15:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area ...
Kolóny Accucore na HPLC a UHPLC
Kolóny Accucore na HPLC a UHPLC Pevné častice jadra umožňujú separácie s vysokou rýchlosťou vysokým rozlíšením a s výrazne nižšími protitlakmi ako v prípade príslušnej analýzy UHPLC. Neprekonateľná funkčnosť jadra Kolóny Thermo Scientific Accucore...
Exploring the power of eluent pH as a selectivity tool for UHPLC/HPLC method development
Exploring the power of eluent pH as a selectivity tool for UHPLC/HPLC method development Webinar Thursday 5th March 2020 15:00 to 16:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání po dobu 1 roku Many factor...
LC Method translations and transfers: Do's & Don'ts
LC Method translations and transfers: Do's & Don'ts Webinar Tuesday 24th January 2023 15:00 to 16:00 CET (Paris Berlin Madrid) 14:00 to 15:00 GMT 09:00 to 10:00 ET Replay Do you want to achieve the same chromatography in a shorter timeframe? Ever ...
Focus: Chromatography Issue 1 2020
Focus: Chromatography Issue 1 2020 Contents: Essentials and tips for choosing your mobile phase quickly in LC-MS The next generation of high performance membrane for HPLC and UHPLC Chromatography columns for therapeutic protein analysis And much m...
Chemikálie a chromatografia
Chemikálie a chromatografia Či už vykonávate základnú papierovú filtráciu alebo pokročilé metódy HPLC naša kolekcia značiek a produktov VWR vám prináša laboratórne chemikálie a spotrebné produkty vysokej kvality ktoré vás podporia pri vašich analy...
Smarter QC Smaller Footprint
Smarter QC Smaller Footprint Webinar Tuesday 8th November 2022 15:00 to 16:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Join us on the mission to ensure a more sustainable future for everyone. Explore our portfolio of greener products programs and services...
Fine Chemicals from Alfa Aesar & Acros Organics
Fine Chemicals from Alfa Aesar & Acros Organics The Acros Organics and Alfa Aesar brands provide an extensive range of chemicals, functional reagents, organic building blocks, metals and life science reagents for research and development and quali...
Chromatography Mini Symposium
Chromatography Mini Symposium Webinar Tuesday 2nd November 2021 14:00 to 16:30 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání po dobu 1 roku We are happy to invite you to join us as we present the latest in ou...
Silicone (platinum-cured) Tubing
Silicone (platinum-cured) Tubing Advantages: Excellent biocompatibility; no leachable additives DOP or plasticizers; odorless and nontoxic fungus resistant. No taste imparted to transported fluids. Extremely good at low temperatures. Weather ozone...
Interesting links
Interesting links Click the following links for a more in depth view of these different applications Electrochemistry and pH basics - better results with better knowledge Achieve optimal weighing performance with tips and more information Driving ...
BioPharm Silicone Tubing
BioPharm Silicone Tubing Advantages: Ultra-smooth inner surface. Minimizes particle entrapment. Lower absorption; excellent biocompatibility; no leachable additives DOP or plasticizers. Odorless and nontoxic fungus resistant. No taste imparted to ...
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