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Hledali jste: DL-2,4-Diaminobutyric acid dihydrochloride

235  výsledků nalezeno

Sanborn Manufacturing Facility

Sanborn Manufacturing Facility The HEPES manufacturing suite at our 60000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility in Sanborn NY USA. Core Capabilities Custom manufacturing of biological buffers amino acid derivatives and custom antibiotic solutions Industr...


Permeable Supports Selection Guide Including Transwell® and Falcon® Cell Culture Inserts 2 About Corning® Permeable Supports Permeable supports also known as cell culture inserts are an essential tool for the study of both anchorage-dependent and ...


Permeable Supports Selection Guide Including Transwell® and Falcon® Cell Culture Inserts 2 About Corning® Permeable Supports Permeable supports also known as cell culture inserts are an essential tool for the study of both anchorage-dependent and ...

Deriváty aminokyselin VWR® pro biofarmaceutickou výrobu

Deriváty aminokyselin VWR® pro biofarmaceutickou výrobu NOVINKA! Produkty v různých formách splňují požadavky našich zákazníků z oblasti biofarmacie a biotechnologie suché čisté chemikálie v hromadném balení kapalné přípravky v konfiguraci balení ...

Omega Bio-tek High Throughput DNA Purification and Automation

Omega Bio-tek High Throughput DNA Purification and Automation DNA Purification and Automation Circulating cell-free DNA isolation Plant genomic DNA isolation Blood and tissue genomic DNA isolation Automated solutions for Nucleic Acid Purification ...

Appl Sartoclear Dynamics Lab Sf9 Insect Cells SL 1

Application Note November 30 2017 Find out more: www.sartorius.com/sartoclear-dynamics-lab Reducing sample preparation time from Sf9 insect cultures by using Sartoclear Dynamics® Lab John Cashman Department of Biology & Biochemistry University of ...

Časopis pro výrobu 2023–24

Časopis pro výrobu 2023–24 Získejte cenné poznatky od našich expertů ve společnosti Avantor a našich spolehlivých partnerů napříč všemi odvětvími o tom jak splnit požadavky novelizované přílohy 1 o ekologických řešeních pro vaše aplikace a také o ...


Introduction Circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) holds great clinical significance for non-invasive disease detection diagnosis and monitoring. cfDNA are usually small fragments of DNA (size distribution peaking at ~170 bp) found circulating in plas...

Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern

Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern Application date: 03.04.2013 page 1 from 10 Determination of Kjeldahl- Nitrogen Application date: 03.04.2013 page 2 from 10 Use The method is suitable for samples which contents nitrate or protein....

Achieve easy, fast and reliable particle/cell size analysis with NanoCuvette™ S

Achieve easy fast and reliable particle/cell size analysis with NanoCuvette™ S Webinar Tuesday 23rd November 2021 15:30 to 16:30 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání po dobu 1 roku In this webinar w...

Převod kapacity a objemu

Převod kapacity a objemu Okamžitý převod jednotek kapacity a objemu. Možnost převodu 76 různých jednotek včetně metru krychlového kilometru krychlového decimetru krychlového centimetru krychlového milimetru krychlového litru exalitru petalitru ter...

Protect Your PCR Samples

Protect Your PCR Samples Fight evaporation loss and contamination Even when using adhesive sealing films for PCR plates evaporation of samples can be a problem – especially in peripheral wells. Validation testing shows that the combination of BRAN...

Čerpadlo Masterflex® B/T® pro biofarmacii – změňte svou představu o biologickém zpracování se společností Masterflex

Procesní čerpadlo Masterflex® B/T® MasterSense™ BioPharma Reimage bioprocessing NEW integrated sensor technology intuitive touchscreen and MasterflexLive® remote monitoring for the biopharma industry of tomorrow Začněte nakupovat Connected efficie...


R3971_AcroSep Various filter choices – Specialized membranes and media accomodates most applications to guarantee success. Optimized outlet tips – Minimizes sample leak- age during incubation steps and reduces the presence of hanging drops followi...


Attachment and differentiation of normal and transformed cells Corning Matrigel matrix certified LDEV-free and the trusted leading basement membrane provides a physiologically relevant environment for studies of cell morphology biochemical functio...

Improve Your Sample Preparation

Improve Your Sample Preparation Effective Tissue Disruption & Cell Lysis In most Life Science workflows one of the first steps is to disrupt your sample with a tissue homogeniser before the extraction of molecules of interest. Using highly sophist...
1 - 16 of 235