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Hledali jste: 4H-3,1-Benzoxazin-2(1H),4-dion

35  výsledků nalezeno

Eyewear Selector

3M™ Eyewear Lens Type Impact Protection Coating Lens Filter and Shading Visual Light Lens Transmittance EN166 Lens Marking Specialised field of use (see User Instructions) Mechanical work Outside Work Driver Chemical Application Metallurgy Surface...

Obličejové masky Quantus

Obličejové masky Quantus Vlastnosti: Stiskací knoflíky pro připevnění ke kuklám (3 na každé straně) Čtvercový tvar Standardní velikost: (Š × D) 26 × 26 cm Volitelné vlastnosti: Suchý zip pro připevnění ke kuklám (vnitřní nebo vnější) Různé rozměry...

3M PSD PeltorX Series Brochure

3M Personal Safety Division 3M™ Peltor™ X Series levels of Comfort Durability 3M™ PELTOR's highest and Protection The Power to Protect Your World.SM The new 3M™ Peltor™ X Series ear muffs offer a wide range of attenuation levels that helps meet ma...


Considerations for Three-Dimensional Cell Culture when using the Corning® Spheroid Microplate Guidelines for Use There has been a growing interest in three dimensional (3D) cell culture with more data showing drastic differences in cell behavior a...


Permeable Supports Quick Reference Ordering Guide Including Transwell® and Falcon® Cell Culture Inserts Quick Reference Ordering Information Uncoated Individual Inserts Transwell® Permeable Supports Polycarbonate (PC) Membrane Membrane Cat. No. De...

Chcete se cítit jako génius?

Chcete se cítit jako génius? Na počest práce předních vědeckých osobností připravila společnost DWK Life Sciences druhou limitovanou edici řady láhví Genius. Lahve DURAN® YOUTILITY® edice Genius o objemu 2 500 ml mají všechny přednosti standardní ...


Attachment and differentiation of normal and transformed cells Corning Matrigel matrix certified LDEV-free and the trusted leading basement membrane provides a physiologically relevant environment for studies of cell morphology biochemical functio...


With a novel proprietary design Corning 96-well spheroid microplates are ideal for generating and analyzing 3D multicellular spheroids in the same microplate. The microplates offer the following benefits: ◗◗ The Corning Ultra-Low Attachment (ULA) ...


Corning® Spheroid Microplates User Guide In vitro 3D cell culture models are widely recognized as more physiologically relevant systems com- pared to 2D formats. The 3D models reflect more accurately the complex in vivo microenvironment and have b...


Permeable Supports Quick Reference Ordering Guide Including Transwell® and Falcon® Cell Culture Inserts Quick Reference Ordering Information Uncoated Individual Inserts Transwell® Permeable Supports Polycarbonate (PC) Membrane Membrane Cat. No. De...

Varianty hadic Masterflex L/S

Varianty hadic Masterflex L/S Dosáhněte špičkového výkonu čerpacích hlav Masterflex L/S při používání přesně extrudovaných hadic. Hadice jsou vyráběny v přísných tolerancích které přesně odpovídají našim L/S hlavám. Zvolit můžete přesné hadice neb...

Smart Note: Does laboratory filtration of culture media affect cell growth?

Smart Note: Does laboratory filtration of culture media affect cell growth? notes QA Does laboratory filtration of culture media affect cell growth? smart Thermo Scientific Nalgene Rapid-Flow Filters design & innovation Laboratory filtration of cu...

Převod hmotnostního průtoku

Převod hmotnostního průtoku Okamžitý převod jednotek hmotnostního průtoku. Možnost převodu 31 různých jednotek včetně kilogramu za sekundu gramu za sekundu gramu za minutu gramu za hodinu gramu za den miligramu za minutu miligramu za hodinu miligr...


Plant Media Formulations Growth Regulators and Antibiotics 1 CASE STUDY Pollen Natural Method for Allergen Identification using FastPrep-24™ 5G technology Andrea Brazdova Oumsaad Naas Nicolas Visez Jean-Pierre Sutra Hélène Sénéchal et Pascal Ponce...


A What kind of storage tube should I use to prevent the breakdown of RNA in tissue during cold storage? Selecting the proper storage tube to protect the integrity of your tissue samples is imperative. During frozen storage a primary concern is the...


Permeable Supports Selection Guide Including Transwell® and Falcon® Cell Culture Inserts 2 About Corning® Permeable Supports Permeable supports also known as cell culture inserts are an essential tool for the study of both anchorage-dependent and ...
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