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Hledali jste: 1,8-Naphthyridine

219  výsledků nalezeno

The Safer Choice: Improving Safety in the Lab through product selection and usage

The Safer Choice: Improving Safety in the Lab through product selection and usage Webinar Thursday 3rd February 2022 11:00 to 12:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání po dobu 1 roku The Safer Choic...

Chem-Durance Chemical pump tubing

Chem-Durance Chemical pump tubing Introduction Choosing a pump tubing formulation often means compromising on one or more key performance characteristics. Formulations that offer broad chemical resistance typically do not offer long pumping life. ...

Regulatory Agencies and Approvals

Regulatory Agencies and Approvals ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange method of encoding characters into 7 or 8 binary bits (typically 7 bits plus an 8th bit for parity). ANSI: The American National Standards Institute is a p...

How to Load Tubing into Masterflex I/P High-Perfomance Peristaltic Pumps

How to Load Tubing into Masterflex I/P High-Perfomance Peristaltic Pumps To view this video please enable JavaScript and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video Tubing Loading Steps This video shows how to load tubing into a ...

Microsoft Word - CONSUMABLES_and_ACCESSORIES-Fittings_and_Connectors_p330-333b.docx

Microsoft Word - CONSUMABLES_and_ACCESSORIES-Fittings_and_Connectors_p330-333b.docx HICHROM Chromatography Columns and Supplies LC CONSUMABLES AND ACCESSORIES Fittings and Connectors Catalogue 9 Hichrom Limited 1 The Markham Centre Station Road Th...

latest hearing standards

58 Technical Information EN 352-1 General Requirements - Earmuffs EN 352-2 General Requirements - Earplugs EN 352-3 General Requirements - Helmet Mounted Earmuffs EN 352-4 Safety requirements and testing - Level Dependent Earmuffs EN 352-5 Safety ...

brochure BRAND Inserts

High flexibility – to be used as a hanging or standing insert Easy to use and efficient in your cell culture lab cellGrade™ plus treated membranes for improved cell attachment and growth Genuine innovat ion for ce l l cu l ture BRAND Inser ts N E ...

use and care of hearing protection

59 Information 3M™ Technical Product Number Product Description Case Qty HY100A 100 pairs on a roll in a dispenser HY100A-01 20 envelopes x 5 pairs in a dispenser Hearing Protection Use and Care How to use Slowly roll and compress foam earplugs in...

Masterflex I/P Tubing Options

Masterflex I/P Tubing Options Achieve top performance from your Masterflex I/P pump heads when you use precision-extruded tubing. Tubing is manufactured to tight tolerances that match our I/P pump heads. Choose from precision tubing or high-perfor...

Technická podpora Masterflex

Technická podpora Masterflex Od výběru produktů a aplikací až po technické poradenství nebo řešení problémů. Naši techničtí odborníci vám rádi pomohou. Ve Spojených státech a na územích pod jurisdikcí USA: Masterflex 100 Matsonford Road Building O...

Performance Level 2: vysokokapacitní analýza, když záleží na robustnosti a reprodukovatelnosti

Performance Level 2: vysokokapacitní analýza když záleží na robustnosti a reprodukovatelnosti Připravte svůj vysokokapacitní systém na vzorky v regulovaných prostředích pro splnění všech předpisů Vyberte si produkty Thermo Scientific™ SureSTART™ t...

Masterflex I/P Brushless Process Drive & Handling the Harsh Solutions in WasteWater Applications

Masterflex I/P Brushless Process Drive & Handling the Harsh Solutions in WasteWater Applications Handling the Harsh Solutions in WasteWater Applications Looking for a pump system to handle your water treatment process needs? Look no further— Maste...


Thermo Scientific Automated Sample Storage Resource Guide proven solutions to preserve samples Sample storage at cryogenic and extremely low temperatures provides security for biological specimens and derivatives of those specimens genomic materia...

Acros Organics

Acros Organics Řada Acros Organics™ nabízí výběr z více než 18 000 druhů organických molekul, včetně hlavních základních chemických sloučenin, funkčních činidel a stavebních kamenů organických látek. Cílem vývoje portfolia Acros Organics™ je napln...


Thermo Scientific Automated Sample Storage Resource Guide proven solutions to preserve samples Sample storage at cryogenic and extremely low temperatures provides security for biological specimens and derivatives of those specimens genomic materia...

Případová studie OEM: Čerpadlová hlava Masterflex® Microflex® použitá v bioreaktoru Applikon® miniBio

Případová studie OEM: Čerpadlová hlava Masterflex® Microflex® použitá v bioreaktoru Applikon® miniBio Tento malý 500ml bioreaktor se v současné době používá pro výzkum vakcíny proti onemocnění COVID-19 Applikon Biotechnology je globálním lídrem ve...