
Hledali jste: Válce klonovací

Isolating individual or groups, the cloning cylinders surround target cells for identical reproduction. Glass or plastic may be dipped into sterile grease before pressing down in order to create the best seal. With a wider bottom, the tapered styles promote a tighter seal. Glass models that are glazed on both ends are suitable for use in disinfectant procedures. Providing a homogenous culture of cells, the cloning cylinders allow more accurate comparisons for research.

Isolating individual or groups, the cloning cylinders surround target cells for identical reproduction. Glass or plastic may be dipped into sterile grease before pressing down in order to create the best seal. With a wider bottom, the tapered styles promote a tighter seal. Glass models that are glazed on both ends are suitable for use in disinfectant procedures. Providing a homogenous culture of cells, the cloning cylinders allow more accurate comparisons for research.

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Dodavatel: Corning
Popis: Cloning cylinders, made of borosilicate glass code 7740. Clone a single cell or group of cells by surrounding them with this open ended cloning cylinders. Dip the end of the cylinder into sterile silicone grease before pressing to the bottom of a culture dish to create an isolated well.
Dodavatel: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Popis: These cloning cylinders facilitate the isolation of individual cell clones, each generated from a single cell, yielding a homogenous population of cells.

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Katalogové číslo: (SIALC1059-1EA)
Dodavatel: Merck
Popis: Cloning cylinders, made of glass, light brown(tinted). Individual colonies of transfected cells can be isolated and picked from a plate containing many clones. Isolated clones can be dissociated and passaged free from surrounding cells or pulsed with 50 to 100 µl growth medium which can be analyzed for secreted products. The sterile cloning cylinders are greased on one end to allow the cylinder to seal to the plate. Cells are then dissociated within the cylinder, resuspeneded, and transferred to a new vessel as a pure colony.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 MJ

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