
Hledali jste: Filtry membránové

Membrane filters serve as effective physical barriers that remove solids, viruses, bacteria, and other unwanted molecules. Specialized types are designed for softening, disinfecting, organic removal processing, and water desalination. The filters can be installed in compact, automated, or modular units. These strainers can be used as separators between stacked discs in a single filter holder during serial filtration. Membrane filters are virtually inert to chemical and biological agents, ensuring stability when filtering concentrated acids, alkalis, or oxidizers.

Membrane filters serve as effective physical barriers that remove solids, viruses, bacteria, and other unwanted molecules. Specialized types are designed for softening, disinfecting, organic removal processing, and water desalination. The filters can be installed in compact, automated, or modular units. These strainers can be used as separators between stacked discs in a single filter holder during serial filtration. Membrane filters are virtually inert to chemical and biological agents, ensuring stability when filtering concentrated acids, alkalis, or oxidizers.

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Dodavatel: Sartorius
Popis: These are general purpose membrane that provide excellent performance with most solutions when retentate recovery is of primary importance.

Dodavatel: ENTEGRIS
Popis: These filter disc series with non-woven PP media can be used for simple, quick and efficient filtration of fluids used in laboratory, pilot and small scale applications. Can be used for clarification of acids, bases and solvents.

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Dodavatel: Spectrum Laboratories
Popis: These woven filters are constructed of individual strands woven into a mesh screen, characterised by precise mesh openings, percent open area and mesh thickness. Available in five material types with different physical, chemical and thermal characteristics to select from depending on your application. Available in discs or square sheets.

Dodavatel: Spectrum Laboratories
Popis: These woven filters are constructed of individual strands woven into a mesh screen, characterised by precise mesh openings, percent open area and mesh thickness. Available in five material types with different physical, chemical and thermal characteristics to select from depending on your application. Available in discs or square sheets.

Dodavatel: Sartorius
Popis: PTFE hydrophobic membrane filters. For filtration of air, gases, solvents and acids. Sterilisation by autoclaving or ethylene oxide.

Dodavatel: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Popis: Nuclepore™ track-etched hydrophilic membrane filters offer a highly defined pore size cut-off in the submicron range, enabling particle deformity measurement and capture of extremely small particles. The membranes have sharply defined pores, high flow rates, and excellent chemical and thermal resistance. They are suitable for a variety of samples and applications, including microscopy, cytology, parasitology, and certain air and oceanography analyses.

Dodavatel: Sartorius
Popis: Membrane filters manufactured from high grade PC film using track etch technology. Applicable for particulate analysis, epifluorescence miroscopy, fluid clarification, cytology, cell biology, bioassays, water microbiology, environmental analysis.

New Product

Katalogové číslo: (WHAT13549204)
Dodavatel: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Popis: A polyester backed and highly consistent membrane for use with low viscosity samples in a lateral flow assay.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 10 KS

Dodavatel: Spectrum Laboratories
Popis: Pre-cut membrane discs are used with Spectra/Por® MacroDialyzers and Equilibrium Dialyzers.

Dodavatel: Spectrum Laboratories
Popis: These woven filters are constructed of individual strands woven into a mesh screen, characterised by precise mesh openings, percent open area and mesh thickness. Available in five material types with different physical, chemical and thermal characteristics to select from depending on your application. Available in discs or square sheets.

Dodavatel: Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)
Popis: Good prefilter made from PP/PE for heavily particulateladen and viscous fluids. Can be used as separators between stacked discs in a single filter holder during serial filtration.

Dodavatel: Sartorius
Popis: Cellulose nitrate hydrophilic, gridded membrane filters for colony counting, particle testing and microscopy, with outstanding recovery rates for microorganisms.
Dodavatel: Sartorius
Popis: PES membrane filters are hydrophilic, have high flow rates thanks to the symmetric structure, have a low non-specific protein adsorption and are chemically resistant over a pH range of 1 to 14. They are recommended for the filtration of aqueous solutions as well for the protein filtration. Furthermore, the low level of extractables makes them suitable for environmental analysis.

Dodavatel: Sartorius
Popis: These cellulose nitrate membranes are suitable for air monitoring.

Katalogové číslo: (SART13101-50-AHN)
Dodavatel: Sartorius
Popis: Non sterile membrane filters for colony counting, particle testing, microscopy and sterility testing. The membrane filters are made of cellulose nitrate (cellulose ester).
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 KS

Katalogové číslo: (516-8912)
Dodavatel: Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)
Popis: Silné, chemicky odolné membrány pro monitoring vzduchu a vzorkování v agresivních prostředích.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 50 KS

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