
Hledali jste: Filtry membránové

Membrane filters serve as effective physical barriers that remove solids, viruses, bacteria, and other unwanted molecules. Specialized types are designed for softening, disinfecting, organic removal processing, and water desalination. The filters can be installed in compact, automated, or modular units. These strainers can be used as separators between stacked discs in a single filter holder during serial filtration. Membrane filters are virtually inert to chemical and biological agents, ensuring stability when filtering concentrated acids, alkalis, or oxidizers.

Membrane filters serve as effective physical barriers that remove solids, viruses, bacteria, and other unwanted molecules. Specialized types are designed for softening, disinfecting, organic removal processing, and water desalination. The filters can be installed in compact, automated, or modular units. These strainers can be used as separators between stacked discs in a single filter holder during serial filtration. Membrane filters are virtually inert to chemical and biological agents, ensuring stability when filtering concentrated acids, alkalis, or oxidizers.

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Dodavatel: Sartorius
Popis: These sterile cellulose nitrate and PES Microsart® e.motion membrane filters can be used for colony counting, particle testing and microscopy. They are specifically designed for use in the Microsart® e.motion dispenser.
Dodavatel: Sartorius
Popis: Cellulose acetate hydrophilic membrane filters. Ideal for biological and clinical analysis, sterility tests and scintillation measurements. Very low protein binding capacity, suitable for aqueous, alcoholic media and hot gases.

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Dodavatel: Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)
Popis: Membrány nylon 6,6 pro filtraci kapalin ve farmaceutickém, biotechnologickém, elektronickém, potravinářsském a nápojářském průmyslu a pro analytické aplikace. Tyto membrány jsou velmi odolné k mechanickému, chemickému a tepelnému namáhání. Jsou inherentně hydrofobní, mají vysoké průtoky, nízký pokles tlaku a velmi nízké extrakty. Pokud je třeba, lze sterilizovat parou, aniž by došlo ke změně proudění nebo velikosti pórů.

Dodavatel: Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)
Popis: Hydrophilic acrylic polymer Versapor® membrane<B> </B>on non woven support ideal for pre-filtration of difficult to filter solutions and serum.

Dodavatel: Bohlender
Popis: Membrane filters made of microporous PTFE, with 0,2 mm thickness.

Dodavatel: Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)
Popis: Inherently low ash membrane ideally suited for multiple NIOSH analytical methods.

Dodavatel: Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)
Popis: Náhradní membrány pro další míchané buněčné systémy. Použití pro koncentraci, frakcionaci, purifikaci, výměnu pufrů nebo odsolení proteinů, buněčných bujónů a dalších biomolekul. Disky lze umýt a znovu použít.

Dodavatel: Sartorius
Popis: Membrane filter, Membrána: Cellulose acetate, Non sterile, Typ: 123, Velikost pórů: 1,20 µm, Ø: 25 mm, Tloušťka: 140 µm

Katalogové číslo: (LIOF97000)
Popis: Mixed cellulose ester membrane for the isolation and enumeration of bacteria by membrane filter technique.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 150 KS

New Product

Dodavatel: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Popis: Cellulose nitrate membranes, circles, plain. Recommended for the majority of routine applications, this membrane is manufactured under strictly controlled conditions.

Dodavatel: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Popis: Mixed cellulose ester, WME range, circles, gridded. Whatman mixed cellulose ester membranes are composed of cellulose acetate and cellulose nitrate. These membranes are characterized by a smoother and more uniform surface than pure nitrocellulose filters.

Dodavatel: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Popis: These hydrophilic regenerated cellulose membrane filters are microporous cellulose acetate filters made without wetting agents. RC60 offers low extractables and wide compatibility in both organic and aqueous media.

Katalogové číslo: (513-0118)
Dodavatel: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Popis: Cytiva's Whatman PM2.5 PTFE membrane filters are designed for PM 2.5 ambient air monitoring. These high-purity, thin filters are sequentially numbered and come with chemically resistant polypropylene support rings.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 50 KS

Dodavatel: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Popis: These mixed cellulose ester membrane filters are designed for asbestos sampling using the membrane filter method for phase contrast microscopy. Asbestos sampling isolates these fibres from circulating air to determine concentrations.

Dodavatel: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Popis: Whatman non-sterile mixed cellulose ester (MCE) filters from Cytiva are suitable for E. coli culturing, enumeration of bacteria, and other culturing and cell counting methods.

Dodavatel: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Popis: Whatman PTFE membranes from Cytiva are strong hydrophobic membrane filters resistant to the corrosive solvents and aggressive media used in gas sterilization and liquid clarification.

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