OxiTop - Easy way to manometric bio-degradation


Thursday, 4th October, 2022
10:00 to 11:00 CET (Berlin, Paris, Madrid)


Respirometric measurements like with OxiTop®, have been a well-established term in the measurement of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) for self-monitoring and advanced manometric respiration testing for decades, especially in municipal wastewater treatment plants.

In this webinar you will receive extensive information about the different methods and equipment to determine

  • Dilution BOD
  • Self-monitoring measurement of BOD in undiluted samples according to DIN EN 1899-2
  • OECD biodegradability tests (OECD/microbiology – lab procedure according to DIN ISO 29 408 / ISO 9408 / OECD 301 F)
  • Soil respiration (OECD/microbiology – lab procedure according to DIN ISO 29 408 / ISO 9408 / OECD 301 F)
  • Biogas testing and more.

For more information, please contact us at webinar@avantorsciences.com