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Dodavatel: VARIAN
Popis: Bond Elut empty SPE cartridges are made with high purity polypropylene for cleaner extracts.

Katalogové číslo: (41397-100MG)
Dodavatel: Merck
Popis: Tebutam CRM may also be used as given below:
Optimisation of sample extraction based on QuEChERS and dispersive-solid-phase extraction (d-SPE) clean-up for the multi-residue analysis of 120 pesticides 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and 22 polychlorinated biphenyls by liquid and gas chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS)
Evaluation of 250 pesticide residues extracted by QuEChERS method from 103 processed fruit samples using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS)
Determination of 90 pesticides 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and 22 polychlorinated biphenyls in honey samples by using QuEChERS combined with dispersive solid-phase extraction (SPME) for sample pre-treatment and liquid chromatography-triple-quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-ion-trap tandem mass spectrometry for quantitation
Screening and quantification of 569 pesticides in honeysuckle samples by a combination of ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) and quadrupole-Orbitrap high-resolution mass spectrometry
Simultaneous determination of 134 pesticide residues in tea samples using d-SPE extraction with a multi-functional filter (MFF) followed by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) and quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS).
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 mg

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Dodavatel: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Popis: A polar sorbent for both polar and anion exchange interactions.

Dodavatel: VARIAN
Popis: The Bond Elut™ Certify extraction cartridge utilises a packed bed consisting of a special, non-polar C8 sorbent and a strong cation exchanger (SCX). Certify is most commonly used to extract basic (cationic) drugs from urine and blood, but it is also very effective for extraction of a wide range of compounds from a diverse range of aqueous matrices.

Dodavatel: BEHR
Popis: Complete sets of equipment for preparation and distillation for commonly required analyses of solid and aqueous samples.

Dodavatel: VARIAN
Popis: Clean PP reservoirs contain two PP frits pre-inserted, an ideal configuration for simple filtration.

Dodavatel: VARIAN
Popis: Bond Elut™ C2 is a fairly non-polar sorbent because of the short chain length of the functional group. C2 is often used during the process of method development if analytes are retained too strongly on a C8 or C18 phase. The polarity of C2 is slightly lower than a cyano phase for polar interactions.

Katalogové číslo: (VARI12165001B)
Dodavatel: VARIAN
Popis: Bond Elut™ Mycotoxin is a novel sorbent which cleans up food extracts for improved trichothecene and zearalenone analysis. Results are comparable or superior to competing methods, including immunoaffinity columns (IaC) and charcoal/alumina columns. The sorbent is a proprietary silica-based ion exchange material.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 KS

Dodavatel: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Popis: Ideal for the isolation of polar compounds from non polar matrices.

Katalogové číslo: (36372-50MG)
Dodavatel: Merck
Popis: Profenofos CRM may also be used as given below: Evaluation of 250 pesticide residues extracted by QuEChERS method from 103 processed fruit samples using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS. Gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) based analysis of 213 pesticide residues in soybean after their extraction by QuEChERS procedure. Detection of 252 pesticides extracted from surface water samples by solid-phase extraction (SPE) using liquid chromatography quadrupole-orbitrap high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry. Multi-residue analysis of 160 multiclass pesticides using ethyl acetate (EtAC)/n. hexane mixture for extraction from chamomile thyme and marjoram samples and their analysis by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). Simultaneous determination of 34 pesticides in various environmental water samples by dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) technique in combination with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS/MS). Quantitation of 40 multi-class insecticides and fungicides in 81 apple samples by using gas- and liquid- chromatography-mass following a QuEChERS-based extraction.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 50 mg

Dodavatel: VARIAN
Popis: Bond Elut™ PH is a non-polar bonded silica material which exhibits a different selectivity to alkyl or aliphatic functionalised phases such as C8 or cyclohexyl. The electron density present in the aromatic ring affords an enhancement in the retention of conjugated or aromatic ring-containing analytes due to desirable pi-pi interactions.

Dodavatel: VARIAN
Popis: A medium polarity sorbent with many uses, Bond Elut™ CN-E is ideal for applications in which extremely non-polar compounds would be irreversibly retained on high carbon load sorbents such as C₈ and C₁₈. This endcapped version of the cyano sorbent is best utilised when extracting analytes from an aqueous matrix.

Dodavatel: VARIAN
Popis: Bond Elut AccuCAT cartridges are mixed bed SPE cartridges consisting of a strong cation exchange (SCX) and a strong anion exchange (SAX) sorbent packed into one bed. AccuCAT is effective for the extraction of acidic, basic and neutral analytes from urine and other biological samples. AccuCAT is particularly effective for catecholamine extraction from bio fluids.

Dodavatel: VARIAN
Popis: EnvirElut™ sorbents are specially designed for the extraction of a wide range of compounds from aqueous matrices. EnvirElut™ PAH and Pesticides are available in standard SPE straight barrel cartridges, which can be used on conventional vacuum manifolds such as the Vac Elut SPS 24.

Dodavatel: VARIAN
Popis: Bond Elut™ LMS polymeric sorbent lets you elute without having to add amine modifiers, buffers, or acids. The elimination of secondary interactions means that elution of analytes can be achieved with pure organic solvents or HPLC mobile phase-compatible solvent mixtures of low ionic strength. These characteristics are crucial to allow compatibility with LC/MS or other delicate analytical techniques.

Dodavatel: VARIAN
Popis: Bond Elut™ PPL is a styrene-divinylvenzene (SDVB) polymer that has been modified with a proprietary non-polar surface. PPL will retain even the most polar classes of analytes, including phenols. The large particle size allows ease of flow for viscous or particulate rich water samples, while the high surface area and strong hydrophobicity ensure reproducible extractions with high recoveries upon elution. Bond Elut™ PPL is suitable for EPA Method 528 ‘Determination of Phenols in Drinking Water by SPE and Capillary GC/MS’.

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