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Dodavatel: BIOSEPAR
Popis: ParasiTrap Dual Eco contains filled processing and transport tubes I (50 pieces Medium A Bailenger and 50 pieces Medium A ECO) and 100 pieces processing tubes II with integrated stainless steel filter system.

Dodavatel: BIOSEPAR
Popis: ParasiTrap Eco contains a filled processing and transport tube I (with Medium A Eco) and the processing tube II with integrated stainless steel filter system.

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Dodavatel: BIOSEPAR
Popis: Solvent Parasitrap, Parasitrap®

Dodavatel: BIOSEPAR
Popis: Unfilled tubes I, ParasiTrap®

Dodavatel: BIOSEPAR
Popis: ParasiTrap Dual contains filled processing and transport tubes I (50 pieces Medium A Bailenger and 50 pieces Medium AF) and 100 pieces processing tubes II with integrated stainless steel filter system.

Dodavatel: BIOSEPAR
Popis: Screw caps in different colours for use with Biosepar tubes.

Dodavatel: BIOSEPAR
Popis: ParasiTrap® enables detection of worm eggs, protozoa and larvae.The ParasiTrap® is a transport and testing system for the parasitological examination of stools in human and veterinary medicine. It is a completely closed system with 4 simple steps to make the diagnosis: 1. load tube with sample; 2. add solvent and stain; 3. filter and concentrate; 4. examine under microscope. It was developed to facilitate the unpleasant task of processing infectious stools in laboratory environments, reduce risk of infection and ensure the best possible yield of parasites. The closed system also allows macroscopic diagnostic procedures to be performed where necessary. This diagnostics concept fully complies with the modern quality management criteria of national and international guidelines (EU, CDC, WHO, BGA, DPG). All systems are free of merthiolate and ether.

Dodavatel: BIOSEPAR
Popis: ParasiTrap® enables detection of worm eggs, protozoa and larvae. The ParasiTrap® is a transport and testing system for the parasitological examination of stools in human and veterinary medicine. It is a completely closed system with 4 simple steps to make the diagnosis: 1. load tube with sample; 2. add solvent and stain; 3. filter and concentrate; 4. examine under microscope. It was developed to facilitate the unpleasant task of processing infectious stools in laboratory environments, reduce risk of infection and ensure the best possible yield of parasites. The closed system also allows macroscopic diagnostic procedures to be performed where necessary. This diagnostics concept fully complies with the modern quality management criteria of national and international guidelines (EU, CDC, WHO, BGA, DPG). All systems are free of merthiolate and ether. The ParasiTrap® AF-System contains a filled processing and transport tube I (with Medium AF) and the processing tube II with integrated stainless steel filter system. Accessories: separation medium B, staining solution medium C, Pasteur pipettes (disposable), spoons and cotton wool sticks. Additional screw caps for processing tube II.

Katalogové číslo: (8502.)
Dodavatel: BIOSEPAR
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

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Omezené množství produktu na skladě. Zboží může být k dispozici v jiném skladě poblíž vašeho sídla. Přesvědčte se, že jste přihlášení na stránky, abyste mohli vidět dostupné položky na skladě. Pokud je stále zobrazeno call a potřebujete asistenci, volejte na číslo 321 570 321.
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