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Dodavatel: Spectrum Laboratories
Popis: Hydrophilic cellulose ester.

Dodavatel: Spectrum Laboratories
Popis: MWCO 12 - 14 kD, regenerated cellulose

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Dodavatel: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Popis: PP.

Dodavatel: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Popis: Piko® PCR plates utilise ultra-thin wall (UTW) technology to dramatically reduce the thickness of the well walls, and are specifically designed for use in the Piko® thermal cycler and the PikoReal® Real Time PCR system. Piko® PCR plates have the footprint of a microscope slide. Four Piko® 24-well (96-well) plates can be snapped into the plate frame to create a standard 96-well (384-well) plate.

Katalogové číslo: (211-0198)
Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: PP.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 5 KS

Dodavatel: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Popis: PP. Compatible with all major thermal cyclers.

Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: Polycarbonate frame is rigid and flat to facilitate a firm grip by robotic arms and ensure reliable placement. Polypropylene wells provide optimal thermal transfer and higher reaction efficiency.

New Product

Katalogové číslo: (733-2573)
Dodavatel: VWR Chemicals
Popis: Ultrapure water, free of endonuclease-, nicking-, and exonuclease activity, free of human DNA.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KIT

Dodavatel: Spectrum Laboratories
Popis: MWCO 12 to 14 kD, regenerated cellulose.

Dodavatel: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Popis: Armadillo™ 384-well PCR plates combine the rigidity of a polycarbonate frame with thin walled polypropylene wells to provide superior thermal cycling performance under all conditions, without warping. All formats are available with clear or white wells, ensuring the highest level of sensitivity for all PCR and qPCR reactions.

Dodavatel: VWR Chemicals
Popis: Highly concentrated Taq DNA polymerase glycerol free 50 U/µl is ideal for industrial use and manufactures of diagnostic PCR kits.
Dodavatel: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Popis: PP. Designed for high throughput PCR, this 384-well plate is compatible with the majority of 384 block PCR and sequencing instruments. The full skirt and rigid plate deck minimise distortion during PCR making it suitable for use with robotic systems.


Popis: AMPIGENE® 1-Step RT-PCR Kit for optimised and efficient cDNA synthesis and PCR in a single tube.

New Product

Dodavatel: VWR Chemicals
Popis: VWR® TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerases are highly stable polymerases, featuring higher specificity, superior sensitivity and greater yields compared to standard DNA polymerases. These features make them well suited for the detection of low abundance targets. Other uses include screening, amplification of GC-rich sequences, multiplex PCR, direct PCR and qPCR.

Dodavatel: VWR Chemicals
Popis: The fast extract DNA solution provides rapid and efficient extraction of PCR-ready DNA from mammalian and plant tissues. DNA is ready in eight minutes. The one-reagent protocol is divided into two simple heating steps, which can be directly followed by PCR analysis, such as screening and genotyping.

Dodavatel: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Popis: Suitable for use with 96-well PCR plates as well as standard and low profile tube strips.

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Omezené množství produktu na skladě. Zboží může být k dispozici v jiném skladě poblíž vašeho sídla. Přesvědčte se, že jste přihlášení na stránky, abyste mohli vidět dostupné položky na skladě. Pokud je stále zobrazeno call a potřebujete asistenci, volejte na číslo 321 570 321.
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-Additional Documentation May be needed to purchase this item. A VWR representative will contact you if needed.
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