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Dodavatel: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Popis: The CloneJET PCR cloning kit contains a ready-to-use positive selection cloning vector pJET1.2/blunt. The vector contains a lethal restriction enzyme gene that is disrupted by ligation of a DNA insert into the cloning site. As a result, only bacterial cells with recombinant plasmids are able to form colonies. Recircularised pJET1.2/blunt vector molecules lacking an insert express a lethal restriction enzyme, which kills the host <i>E. coli</i> cell after transformation. This positive selection drastically accelerates the process of colony screening and eliminates additional costs required for blue/white selection.

Katalogové číslo: (EL0016)
Dodavatel: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Popis: This T4 DNA ligase catalyzes the formation of a phosphodiester bond between juxtaposed 5'-phosphate and 3'-hydroxyl termini in duplex DNA or RNA. The enzyme repairs single-strand nicks in duplex DNA, RNA, or DNA/RNA hybrids. It also joins DNA fragments with either cohesive or blunt termini, but has no activity on single-stranded nucleic acids.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KIT

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Katalogové číslo: (27-0361-01)
Dodavatel: Cytiva
Popis: T4 DNA ligase catalyses the formation of a phosphodiester bond between the 5'-phosphoryl group and the 3'-hydroxyl group of two double-stranded DNA fragments. ATP is required for this reaction.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 50 Tests

Dodavatel: SGI - DNA Synthetic Genomics
Popis: The Gibson Assembly® HiFi 1 Step Kit provides a simple and effective method to seamlessly construct synthetic genes, genetic pathways, as well as entire genomes. This method allows researchers to achieve complex assembly of large DNA constructs, with multiple inserts, in 1 hour.
Dodavatel: SGI - DNA Synthetic Genomics
Popis: Gibson Assembly® HiFi HC 1-Step Kits and Master Mixes allow restriction digest-free, cloning of one or more DNA fragments into virtually any location of any plasmid vector in a single round of cloning.

Dodavatel: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Popis: The aLICator™ LIC Cloning and Expression System is designed for fast and efficient ligation independent cloning and tight regulation of gene expression in <i>E. coli</i>. The plate bacterial expression vectors are designed for high levels of target protein expression in concert with minimal basal (uninduced) expression, which permits expression of proteins that are toxic to <i>E. coli</i> cells.

Katalogové číslo: (GA2100-S)
Dodavatel: SGI - DNA Synthetic Genomics
Popis: The Gibson Assembly® Method is a well-established assembly reaction that can be leveraged to join multiple, mutagenised DNA fragments with overlapping ends. Following mutagenesis, DNA fragments of various lengths are uniformly assembled using complementary overlaps between fragments. The inherent flexibility of this approach lends itself to small and large constructs and encompasses both single and multiple insert assemblies.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 5 Tests

Dodavatel: SGI - DNA Synthetic Genomics
Popis: The Gibson Assembly® Ultra reaction occurs in two steps using the addition of two master mixes in two sequential steps. In the first step, the GA Ultra Master Mix A (2X) creates single-strand DNA 5’ overhangs by chewing back DNA from the 3’ end. This reaction is cooled under conditions that allow for annealing of complementary overlap regions. Next, the Gibson Assembly® Ultra Master Mix B (2X) is added. During this step, nucleotides are incorporated into the construct to fill in the gaps in the annealed DNA fragments and nicks are sealed to create a contiguous DNA construct.
Katalogové číslo: (70573-3)
Dodavatel: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Popis: Clonables™ 2X ligation premix is a single solution containing optimised concentrations of T4 DNA ligase, buffer, stabiliser, and cofactors needed for efficient ligation of any type of compatible DNA ends.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 55 µl

Dodavatel: SGI - DNA Synthetic Genomics
Popis: The Gibson Assembly® Ultra Kit provides a robust and efficient method to seamlessly construct synthetic genes, genetic pathways, as well as entire genomes. This method is designed for complex assembly of 2 to 15 large DNA constructs using only small amounts (nanograms) of DNA.
Dodavatel: SGI - DNA Synthetic Genomics
Popis: The Gibson Assembly® Hi-Fi 1-Step Master Mix (2X) contains a proprietary mixture of enzymes and reagents optimised to facilitate one-step assembly of double standed DNA fragments. This master mix includes a proof-reading polymerase that mediates junction repair resulting assembled constructs with low rates of junction errors and high sequence fidelity.
Dodavatel: Merck
Popis: NH₄Cl in H₂O
Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-11043R-A680)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Bestrophin-4 is a 473 amino acid member of the Bestrophin family of proteins. Members of the Bestrophin family are transmembrane proteins that contain a high percentage of aromatic residues, a conserved RFP (Arg-Phe-Pro) motif and they function as anion channels. Bestrophin-4 acts as a calcium-sensitive chloride channel located in the cell membrane. It is believed that Bestrophin-4 also acts as a channel for other physiologically significant anions, such as bicarbonate. Bestrophin-4 is predominantly expressed in the colon, but can be found at low levels in testis, placenta, trachea, spinal chord, lung and retina.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-11043R-A350)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Bestrophin-4 is a 473 amino acid member of the Bestrophin family of proteins. Members of the Bestrophin family are transmembrane proteins that contain a high percentage of aromatic residues, a conserved RFP (Arg-Phe-Pro) motif and they function as anion channels. Bestrophin-4 acts as a calcium-sensitive chloride channel located in the cell membrane. It is believed that Bestrophin-4 also acts as a channel for other physiologically significant anions, such as bicarbonate. Bestrophin-4 is predominantly expressed in the colon, but can be found at low levels in testis, placenta, trachea, spinal chord, lung and retina.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-11043R-A647)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Bestrophin-4 is a 473 amino acid member of the Bestrophin family of proteins. Members of the Bestrophin family are transmembrane proteins that contain a high percentage of aromatic residues, a conserved RFP (Arg-Phe-Pro) motif and they function as anion channels. Bestrophin-4 acts as a calcium-sensitive chloride channel located in the cell membrane. It is believed that Bestrophin-4 also acts as a channel for other physiologically significant anions, such as bicarbonate. Bestrophin-4 is predominantly expressed in the colon, but can be found at low levels in testis, placenta, trachea, spinal chord, lung and retina.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-11043R-A488)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Bestrophin-4 is a 473 amino acid member of the Bestrophin family of proteins. Members of the Bestrophin family are transmembrane proteins that contain a high percentage of aromatic residues, a conserved RFP (Arg-Phe-Pro) motif and they function as anion channels. Bestrophin-4 acts as a calcium-sensitive chloride channel located in the cell membrane. It is believed that Bestrophin-4 also acts as a channel for other physiologically significant anions, such as bicarbonate. Bestrophin-4 is predominantly expressed in the colon, but can be found at low levels in testis, placenta, trachea, spinal chord, lung and retina.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

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Omezené množství produktu na skladě. Zboží může být k dispozici v jiném skladě poblíž vašeho sídla. Přesvědčte se, že jste přihlášení na stránky, abyste mohli vidět dostupné položky na skladě. Pokud je stále zobrazeno call a potřebujete asistenci, volejte na číslo 321 570 321.
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