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Dodavatel: Avantor Fluid Handling
Popis: Ideal for general transfer applications.
Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Avantor® ACE® UltraCore C18 are high performing solid-core (core-shell) particle columns designed for a wide range of LC applications. This densely bonded octadecyl phase can be used to separate acidic, basic and neutral molecules, based on hydrophobic retention mechanisms.

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Dodavatel: Avantor Fluid Handling
Popis: Complete pump systems for accurate fluid delivery - with an intuitive touch-screen interface.


Dodavatel: Avantor Fluid Handling
Popis: Ensure optimal performance from your Masterflex® B/T series pump.
Dodavatel: Showa
Popis: These seamless knitted HPPE liners with PU coating on palm and fingers provide a high degree of comfort when performing delicate tasks in greasy work environments with a high risk of cuts.

Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Avantor® ACE® UltraCore BIO C18 are high performing solid-core (core-shell) particle columns designed for a wide range of biomolecule applications. With both 300 Å and 500 Å pore sizes available, optimum pore size can be chosen. This phase is well suited to the analysis of more hydrophilic proteins over 5 kDa molecular weight.

Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Avantor® ACE® UltraCore C18-Amide are high performing solid-core (core shell) particle columns designed for a range of reversed-phase chromatographic applications. Additional mechanisms of interaction such as H-bonding give an alternative selectivity for moderately polar analytes.

Dodavatel: Avantor Fluid Handling
Popis: Longest life of any C-Flex® formulation.
Dodavatel: Avantor Fluid Handling
Popis: Reduce the risk of particulate entrapment with smooth inner surface.
Dodavatel: Avantor Fluid Handling
Popis: Long pumping life with superior flexibility reduces downtime and tubing failure.
Dodavatel: MAPA
Popis: This high performance glove, made of PU with a seamless textile support from HDPE fibres, provides protection for intricate handling in reasonably clean environments.

Dodavatel: Avantor Fluid Handling
Popis: Stackable, compact pump drive delivers versatile performance in limited space.

ISO9001 1 year warranty CE Compliant

Dodavatel: Avantor Fluid Handling
Popis: The preferred tubing of the food industry.
Popis: PRP-h5 polimeric reversed phase columns are ideal for applications that require a high degree of column-to-column and batch to batch consistency (quality assurance, clinical trials). Unlike C8 or C18 columns, PRP-h5 has no stationary phase coating. The integral reversed phase characteristics of the PRP-h5 column eliminate the need for special coating techniques. Since there is no stationary phase to hydrolyse, the column maintains its performance characteristics longer than many C8 or C18 columns. PRP-h5 columns are packed with a poly(styrene-divinylbenzene) material.

Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Avantor® ACE® C18-300 columns provide great reproducibility and column lifetime. These stainless steel columns are available in a wide range of particle sizes and dimensions from capillary to preparative. These columns are designed for a wide range of chromatographic applications, to provide great performance with acidic, basic and neutral molecules.

Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Avantor® ACE® C18 columns provide great reproducibility and column lifetime. These stainless steel columns are available in a wide range of particle sizes and dimensions from capillary to preparative. These columns are designed for a wide range of chromatographic applications, to provide great performance with acidic, basic and neutral molecules.

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Omezené množství produktu na skladě. Zboží může být k dispozici v jiném skladě poblíž vašeho sídla. Přesvědčte se, že jste přihlášení na stránky, abyste mohli vidět dostupné položky na skladě. Pokud je stále zobrazeno call a potřebujete asistenci, volejte na číslo 321 570 321.
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