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Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-3960R-FITC)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: The NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex (complex I) of the mitochondrial respiratory chain catalyzes the transfer of electrons from NADH to ubiquinone, and consists of at least 43 subunits. The complex is located in the inner mitochondrial membrane. This gene encodes the 24 kDa subunit of complex I, and is involved in electron transfer. Mutations in this gene are implicated in Parkinson's disease, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and have been found in one case of early onset hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and encephalopathy. A non-transcribed pseudogene of this locus is found on chromosome 19. [provided by RefSeq, Oct 2009].
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-5050R-FITC)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: The CYP39A1 gene encodes a member of the cytochrome P450 superfamily of enzymes. The cytochrome P450 proteins are monooxygenases which catalyze many reactions involved in drug metabolism and synthesis of steroids, cholesterol and other lipids. This endoplasmic reticulum protein is involved in the conversion of cholesterol to bile acids. Its substrates include the oxysterols 25-hydroxycholesterol, 27-hydroxycholesterol and 24-hydroxycholesterol.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

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Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-12133R-FITC)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Voltage-gated sodium channels are transmembrane glycoprotein complexes composed of a large alpha subunit with 24 transmembrane domains and one or more regulatory beta subunits. They are responsible for the generation and propagation of action potentials in neurons and muscle. This gene encodes one member of the sodium channel alpha subunit gene family, and is found in a cluster of five alpha subunit genes on chromosome 2. Multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008].
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-13154R-FITC)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Adrenodoxin Reductase (ADX Reductase) is a mitochondrial flavoprotein that receives electrons from NADPH and thereby initiates the electron-transport chain serving mitochondrial cytochromes P450. ADX Reductase participates in cholesterol side chain cleavage in all steroidogenic tissues, steroid 11-? hydroxylation in the adrenal cortex, 25-OH-vitamin D3-24 hydroxylation in the kidney and sterol C-27 hydroxylation in the liver. Alternate splicing of ADX Reductase produces two isoforms. Human ADX Reductase maps to human chromosome 17q24-q25.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-4917R-FITC)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Osteocalcin belongs to the osteocalcin/matrix Gla protein family and constitutes 1 to 2% of the total bone protein. It is a 49 amino acid single chain vitamin K dependent protein, made by osteoblasts, and is a major component of the noncollagenous bone matrix. Post translational modification by a vitamin K dependent carboxylase produces three gamma carboxyglutamic acid residues at positions 17, 21 and 24, giving it a high affinity for calcium. It also binds strongly to apatite.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-3933R-FITC)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Calcium channels mediate the influx of calcium ions into the cell following membrane polarisation. R-type calcium channels such as Cav2.3 belong to the "high voltage-activated" group and are blocked by nickel. The calcium channel consists of a complex of alpha-1, alpha-2/delta, beta, and gamma subunits in a 1:1:1:1 ratio. Each of these proteins exists as multiple isoforms, either encoded by different genes or arising from alternative splicing of transcripts. Cav2.3 is an alpha-1 subunit and has 24 transmembrane segments, which form the pore through which ions pass into the cell. Calcium channels containing the Cav2.3 subunit may be involved in the modulation of firing patterns of neurons, which is important for information processing.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-11646R-FITC)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Humanin, an endogenous anti-apoptotic peptide against Alzheimer disease-related insults, consists of 24 amino acids. The secreted protein is a neuroprotective factor against death induced by several different types of Alzheimer's disease genes. Humanin protects neuronal cells from damage caused by Alzheimer's disease genes, specifically APP (amyloid precursor protein). Humanin acts as a ligand for formyl peptide receptor-like 1 (FPRL1) with APP and utilizes its neuroprotective effects by inhibiting FPRL1 access to APP. The peptide prevents Bax translocation from cytosol to mitochondria. Humanin expression levels may be dependent on defects in energy production in muscles with mitochondrial abnormalities. The peptide has been detected in muscles of patients with the mitochondrial disease chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO). Humanin is mainly expressed in the kidney, heart, liver, testis and skeletal muscles.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-13315R-FITC)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: GCN1L1 is a 2,671 amino acid protein that is ubiquitously expressed and belongs to the GCN1 family. Functioning as a translation activator, GCN1L1 interacts with IMPACT to regulproteinate GCN2 kinase activity. GCN1L1 contains 24 HEAT repeats and is encoded by a gene that maps to human chromosome 12q24.23. Chromosome 12 encodes over 1,100 genes and comprises approximately 4.5% of the human genome. Chromosome 12 is associated with a variety of diseases and afflictions, including hypochondrogenesis, achondrogenesis, Kniest dysplasia, Noonan syndrome and trisomy 12p, which causes facial developmental defects and seizure disorders.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-0665R-FITC)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Plays a central role during gametogenesis by repressing transposable elements and preventing their mobilization, which is essential for the germline integrity. Acts via the piRNA metabolic process, which mediates the repression of transposable elements during meiosis by forming complexes composed of piRNAs and Piwi proteins and govern the methylation and subsequent repression of transposons. Directly binds methylated piRNAs, a class of 24 to 3 nucleotide RNAs that are generated by a Dicer-independent mechanism and are primarily derived from transposons and other repeated sequence elements. Besides their function in transposable elements repression, piRNAs are probably involved in other processes during meiosis such as translation regulation (By similarity).
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-1890R-FITC)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Voltage-gated sodium channels are transmembrane glycoprotein complexes composed of a large alpha subunit with 24 transmembrane domains and one or more regulatory beta subunits. They are responsible for the generation and propagation of action potentials in neurons and muscle. This gene encodes one member of the sodium channel alpha subunit gene family. It is heterogeneously expressed in the brain, and mutations in this gene have been linked to several seizure disorders. Several alternatively spliced transcript variants of this gene have been described, but the full-length nature of some of these variants has not been determined.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-11915R-FITC)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Neurensin-1 (NRSN1), also designated Vesicular membrane protein of 24 kDa (VMP) or Neuro-p24, is a 195 amino acid multi-pass membrane protein belonging to the VMP family that is involved in the transport of neural organelle transport and in the transduction of nerve signals or in nerve growth. Expressed solely in brain, Neurensin-1 is also thought to play a role in neurite extension. The gene encoding Neurensin-2 maps to human chromosome 6, which contains around 1,200 genes within 170 million base pairs of sequence. Deletion of a portion of the q arm of chromosome 6 is associated with early onset intestinal cancer suggesting the presence of a cancer susceptibility locus. Porphyria cutanea tarda, Parkinson's disease, Stickler syndrome, 21-hydroxylase deficiency and maple syrup urine disease are also associated with genes on chromosome 6.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-7961R-FITC)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Ankyrin is a membrane protein that mediates the attachment of the erythrocyte membrane skeleton to the plasma membrane and interacts with CD44 and inositol triphosphate. It contains three functional domains: a conserved N-terminal ankyrin repeat domain (ARD(consisting of 22–24 tandem repeats of 33 amino acids), a spectrin binding domain and a variably sized C-terminal regulatory domain. The ankyrin repeat is a 33-residue motif in proteins consisting of two alpha helices separated by loops. It has been studied using multiple sequence alignment to determine which conserved amino acid residues are critical for folding and stability. Ankyrin-repeat proteins have been associated with a number of human diseases; most notably, the cell cycle inhibitor p16 is associated with cancer and the Notch protein is a key component of cell signaling pathways whose intracellular repeat domain is disrupted in mutations that give rise to the neurological disorder known as CADASIL.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-12323R-FITC)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: Cell adhesion molecule-related/down-regulated by oncogenes (CDO) and BOC (brother of CDO) are members of the immunoglobulin/fibronectin type III repeat family and act as cell surface receptors. CDO is a component of a cell-surface receptor complex which also contains BOC, NEO1, CTNNB1 and cadherins and which acts as a mediator of cell-cell interactions between muscle cells. CDO and BOC are single pass membrane proteins that play a role in myogenic cell differentiation. Together, CDO and BOC participate in a positive feedback loop with MyoD, a myogenic transcription factor. The 1,242 amino acid rat CDO protein has a 24 residue signal sequence, five Ig V-like repeats, a 25 residue membrane-spanning region, three FNIII-like repeats and a cytoplasmic region of 256 amino acids containing a proline-rich stretch. The human protein contains 1,225 amino acid residues and shares significant homology with the domain structures of the rat protein.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (BOSSBS-5846R-FITC)
Dodavatel: Bioss
Popis: ADAM11 was first described as MDC (Metalloproteinase-like disintergin-like cysteine-rich protein) from analysis of human brain libraries, in search of brain-specific proteins. Two splice variants with different carboxyterminal ends were described. The message was found only in the brain in this publication. Another group identified ADAM11 in the human brain, where ADAM11 was thought to be involved in cell migration and spatial patterning. ADAM11 was mapped to 17q21.3, a region of interest for breast cancer, and mutations in ADAM11 are associated with some breast cancers. Retinoic acid caused a doubling in ADAM11 message levels over 24 hours in NT2/D1 cells, a human embryonic carcinoma cell line. ADAM11 null mutant mice have deficits in spatial learning and motor coordination, although they did have normal cell migration and differentiation during development. ADAM11 is a member of the ADAMs family (A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase), but does not contain the canonical HExxHxxxxH zinc-binding metalloproteinase catalytic site. The domain structure of the full-length ADAM11 includes a signal sequence, propeptide domain, metalloproteinase-like domain, disintegrin-like domain, cys-rich domain, EGF-like domain, a spacer region, then the transmembrane domain and a short cytoplasmic domain.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 µl

Katalogové číslo: (ANTIA122116-100)
Popis: Mouse monoclonal [24-31] antibody to CD154 (FITC) for Flow Cytometry with samples derived from human and Non-Human Primates.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 T

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Katalogové číslo: (PRSI76-415)
Dodavatel: ProSci Inc.
Popis: The IM7 monoclonal antibody specifically reacts with all the isoforms and both alloantigens of the CD44 glycoprotein (Pgp-1, Ly-24). CD44 is expressed on hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic cells, bone marrow myeloid cells, memory T lymphocytes, periphery activated B cells, CD4+ T lymphocytes, and CD8+ T lymphocytes. The periphery B and T lymphocytes upregulate the expression of CD44. CD44 binds to hyaluronan molecules, acting as an adhesion molecule.The IM7 antibody inhibits collagen-induced arthritis in DBA/1 mice, prevents central nervous system inflammation associated with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, but exacerbates the experimental autoimmune thyroiditis in CBA/J mice. The IM7 antibody also cross-reacts with dog, human, pig, horse, cat, and cow leukocytes.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 0,025 mg

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