
Pepstatin A, MP Biomedicals

Dodavatel: MP Biomedicals

0219536801 0219536805 0219536810 0219536825 0219536880 0219536883
ICNA0219536801EA 1140 CZK
ICNA0219536801 ICNA0219536805 ICNA0219536810 ICNA0219536825 ICNA0219536880 ICNA0219536883
Pepstatin A, MP Biomedicals

Pepstatin A is a reversible inhibitor of aspartic proteases, pepsin, renin, cathepsin D, cathepsin G, and other acid proteases. It does not inhibit thiol proteases, neutral proteases or serine proteases.

It can be used in conjunction with E64-d and Leupeptin A to inhibit the degradation of autophagic cargo inside autophagosomes.


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