
BART tests for the presence or absence of harmful bacteria

Dodavatel: Hach

2490409 2432409 2432509 2478409 2490427 2619407 2432609 2619309
702-0008EA 5850 CZK
702-0008 702-0002 702-0003 702-0007 702-0009 HACH2619407 HACH2432609 HACH2619309
BART tests for the presence or absence of harmful bacteria
Mikrobiologické testovací systémy Enzymatické testy

Biological Activity Reaction Test (BART) biodetectors are microbiological diagnostic tools used to identify the presence of process disruptors. Tests for many types of bacteria are available, including sulfate-reducing bacteria, heterotropic acid, nitrifying bacteria, pool and spa bacteria, blue-green algae, and more.

  • Simple yet effective method for monitoring the population size and/or activity of specific groups of bacteria
  • Easy to use, requiring no elaborate or costly equipment and no specialised training
  • Effective and affordable tests are easy to interpret and can be performed at room temperature in virtually any environment

Test results are distinct and easy to read: Observe the tubes every day to detect response indicators such as changes in colour, turbidity, sediment, precipitation and colourful formations, such as disc and bubbles. Compare the observed with the comparison chart provided with the manual to identify the presence or absence of bacteria. Traditional methods can be used to confirm the identification of specific bacteria.

Note: The POOL test SLYM require a UV lamp.


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