
Stoppers, Pierce-It™

Dodavatel: Simport Scientific
T407-16GY T407-16G T407-16L T407-16R T407-16W T407-16Y T407-12BK T407-12GY T407-12G T407-12L T407-12R T407-12W T407-12Y T407-16BK T407-12B T407-16B
SIMPT407-16GYEA 3880 CZK
SIMPT407-16GY SIMPT407-16G SIMPT407-16L SIMPT407-16R SIMPT407-16W SIMPT407-16Y SIMPT407-12BK SIMPT407-12GY SIMPT407-12G SIMPT407-12L SIMPT407-12R SIMPT407-12W SIMPT407-12Y SIMPT407-16BK 217-2050 217-2051
Stoppers, Pierce-It™
Zátky Zátky kaučukové (gumové)
Made of thermoplastic elastomer these disposable closures produce a firm, leak-resistant seal for glass and plastic tubes. They will protect samples from evaporation and contamination. They can be easily applied and removed with one hand. They can be punctured to allow through-cap sampling via closed-tube instrumentation systems. Two sizes, 13 and 16 mm fit a variety of tubes including glass evacuated blood drawing tubes. Will also fit 12 mm I.D. cuture tubes.

  • The flexible plastic cap can be pierced as often as needed
  • Will not interfere with most common chemistry, coagulation, and drug monitoring methodologies
  • Can be stored in the refrigerator, in the freezer or at room temperature
  • Withstand agitation in a test tube Vortex mixer
  • Available in 8 colors for easy identification

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