
VWR®, Deníky laboratorní

Dodavatel: VWR Collection
818-0100EA 977 CZK
818-0100 818-0101 818-0110 818-0111
VWR®, Deníky laboratorní
Imitation leather for use in laboratory environments. Acid-free, archive safe paper (90 gsm). Includes laboratory notebook guidelines page, table of contents and user data page. English language only.

  • Scientific 5 mm grid or ruled format with date and witness signature blocks
  • ‘FLEX' cover with coating, for durability

Formát: A5 (14,8×21 cm) nebo A6 (10,5×14,8 cm), 96 stran

Barva: modrá

Všechny deníky jsou vyrobeny v souladu se směrnicemi GLP, GMP a GCP.

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Avantor is a vertically integrated, global supplier of discovery-to-delivery solutions for...

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