
C18 EWP plates, Bond Elut

Dodavatel: VARIAN
7542601C 7540103C
VARI7542601CEA 14610 CZK
VARI7542601C VARI7540103C
C18 EWP plates, Bond Elut
Mikrodestičky Destičky pro extrakci pevné fáze
Bond Elut C18 EWP uses a special silica with wide pores. This is endcapped.

  • No exclusion of large molecules
  • Good for desalting proteins
  • Successful separation of proteins, peptides or nucleotides

This is based upon standard particles size silica but with 500 Å pores to allow more efficient extraction of large molecules (>15000 MW), which are typically excluded from standard porosity silica phases.

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