
Acrylamide, electrophoresis grade, MP Biomedicals

Dodavatel: MP Biomedicals
04814340 04814349
ICNA04814340EA 1730 CZK
ICNA04814340 ICNA04814349
Acrylamide, electrophoresis grade, MP Biomedicals
Gely elektroforetické Agaróza a Akrylamid
Acrylamide is a monomer used in a variety of synthetic processes to form polymers and copolymers. It polymerizes in the presence of free radicals in aqueous solutions. It is usually used to prepare polyacrylamide gels for electrophoresis separation of biomolecules.

  • Suitable for use in electrophoresis
  • Purity >99%
  • pH 5,0 to 7,0 in 1% aqueous solution
  • Can be stored at room tempetarure as a dessicate
  • Soluble in water (1% aqueous solution), methanol (155 g/100 ml), ethanol (86 g/100 ml), alcohol, acetone (63,1 g/100 ml); only minimally soluble in benzene or heptane

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