
Anti-TFF1 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin) [clone: GE2]

Dodavatel: Biotium
BNCB0677-500 BNCB0677-100
BNCB0677-500EA 15940 CZK
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Anti-TFF1 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin) [clone: GE2]
This antibody recognizes a polypeptide of 6.5 kDa, identified as pS2 estrogen-regulated protein. Its epitope is localized between aa57-84 of human pS2 protein. pS2 is a trefoil peptide. Trefoil peptides are protease resistant molecules secreted throughout the gut that play a role in mucosal healing. These peptides contain three intra-chain disulfide bonds, forming the trefoil motif, or P-domain. pS2 is known to form dimers and this dimerization is thought to play a role in its protective and healing properties. About 60% of breast carcinomas are positive for pS2. Staining is cytoplasmic,More Product Information

Produktová specifikace

Symbol antigenu TFF1 TFF1
Environmentally Preferable
Název antigenu pS2 pS2
Synonyma antigenu Trefoil Factor 1|Gastrointestinal trefoil protein pS2|HPS2|BCEI|Gastrointestinal Trefoil Protein|HP1A|TFF1|pNR2|Breast Cancer Estrogen Inducible Protein Trefoil Factor 1|Gastrointestinal trefoil protein pS2|HPS2|BCEI|Gastrointestinal Trefoil Protein|HP1A|TFF1|pNR2|Breast Cancer Estrogen Inducible Protein
Druh protilátky Primární Primární
Klonovalita Monoclonal Monoclonal
Spojení Biotin Biotin
Klon Clone GE2 Clone GE2
Reaktivita Cynomolgus monkey,Human Cynomolgus monkey,Human
Hostitel Mouse Mouse
Identifikační číslo genu 162807 162807
Izotyp IgG1 kappa IgG1 kappa
Imunochemie Yes Yes
ImunoFluorescence Yes
Koncentrace 0,1 mg/ml 0,1 mg/ml
Skladovací pufr PBS/0,1% BSA/0,05% azide PBS/0,1% BSA/0,05% azide

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