
TRItidy G™

Dodavatel: PanReac AppliChem

A4051.0200 A4051.0100
A4051.0200EA 7580 CZK
A4051.0200 A4051.0100
TRItidy G™
Činidla pro nukleové kyseliny Nucleic Acid Purification Kits and Reagents

TRItidy G™ is based on the single step simultaneous isolation of RNA, DNA and proteins from cell and tissue samples (Chomczynski, P. (1993), BioTechniques 15, p.532 - 537). RNA is selectively retained in the aqueous phase during acidic GuSCN/phenol extraction; DNA and proteins are isolated from the organic phase by ethanol and isopropanol precipitation, respectively.

  • Ready to use
  • Suitable for samples (tissues and cells) of human, animal, plant and bacterial origin
  • Isolation of large and small RNA species (0,1 - 15 kb) with high purity


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