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Hledali jste: Tube Racks

365  výsledků nalezeno

Masterflex Flexible Tubing

Masterflex Flexible Tubing Flexible Tubing... Even Under Pressure! Pump at pressures up to 100 psi with peristaltic pump tubing? It's now a reality with our NEW Masterflex® High-Pressure Norprene® tubing. Choose from two sizes: L/S® 16HP tubing (M...

Microsoft Word - CONSUMABLES_and_ACCESSORIES-Fittings_and_Connectors_p330-333b.docx

Microsoft Word - CONSUMABLES_and_ACCESSORIES-Fittings_and_Connectors_p330-333b.docx HICHROM Chromatography Columns and Supplies LC CONSUMABLES AND ACCESSORIES Fittings and Connectors Catalogue 9 Hichrom Limited 1 The Markham Centre Station Road Th...

Viton Tubing Specifications

Viton Tubing Specifications Advantages: Our most chemical-resistant tubing. Resistant to corrosives solvents and oils at elevated temperature. Low gas permeability. Limitations: Limited pumping life. Application Suitability: Acids: Excellent Alkal...

Viton Tubing Specifications

Viton Tubing Specifications Advantages: Our most chemical-resistant tubing. Resistant to corrosives solvents and oils at elevated temperature. Low gas permeability. Limitations: Limited pumping life. Application Suitability: Acids: Excellent Alkal...

Peristaltic Tubing Pumps in Dispensing Applications

Peristaltic Tubing Pumps in Dispensing Applications Properties inherent to peristaltic pumps and features designed into Masterflex® digital pump drives make these pumps ideal for laboratory and process dispensing applications. Accuracies in the ra...

Microsoft Word - CONSUMABLES_and_ACCESSORIES-Fittings_and_Connectors_p330-333b.docx

Microsoft Word - CONSUMABLES_and_ACCESSORIES-Fittings_and_Connectors_p330-333b.docx HICHROM Chromatography Columns and Supplies LC CONSUMABLES AND ACCESSORIES Fittings and Connectors Catalogue 9 Hichrom Limited 1 The Markham Centre Station Road Th...

Masterflex Tubing: Questions and Answers

Masterflex Tubing: Questions and Answers Masterflex® Pumps and Pump Tubing... MLFX96403-15 Q: How is Masterflex® pump tubing different from nominal/non-pump tubing? A: Masterflex pump tubing is manufactured to the exact dimensions of Masterflex tu...

Silicone (platinum-cured) Tubing

Silicone (platinum-cured) Tubing Advantages: Excellent biocompatibility; no leachable additives DOP or plasticizers; odorless and nontoxic fungus resistant. No taste imparted to transported fluids. Extremely good at low temperatures. Weather ozone...


CASE STUDY Vegetables FDA validated molecular method to detect C. cayetanensis in food samples Keyword: Cyclospora cayetanensis Fresh produce Prepared dish qPCR Aim of the study: Evaluate the performance of the FDA method for detection of C. Cayet...

Chem-Durance Chemical pump tubing

Chem-Durance Chemical pump tubing Introduction Choosing a pump tubing formulation often means compromising on one or more key performance characteristics. Formulations that offer broad chemical resistance typically do not offer long pumping life. ...

Advantages of the Masterflex® Volumetric Filling System

Advantages of the Masterflex® Volumetric Filling System Ensure you are getting the right volumes in your dosing or metering applications with the Masterflex Volumetric Filling System. Combining the precision of ultrasonic technology and Masterflex...


FastPrep® Instruments Bead Beating Instruments for Sample Preparation LEARN MORE www.mpbio.com Grind Homogenize and Lyse Any Sample in 40 Seconds or Less. FastPrep Bead Beating Systems. The most advanced grinding solution tailored for any extracti...

Protect Your PCR Samples

Protect Your PCR Samples Fight evaporation loss and contamination Even when using adhesive sealing films for PCR plates evaporation of samples can be a problem – especially in peripheral wells. Validation testing shows that the combination of BRAN...


FastPrep® Instruments Bead Beating Instruments for Sample Preparation LEARN MORE www.mpbio.com Grind Homogenize and Lyse Any Sample in 40 Seconds or Less. FastPrep Bead Beating Systems. The most advanced grinding solution tailored for any extracti...


TYGON LFL Tubing Advantages: Longest life of all TYGON peristaltic tubings (1000 hrs). Nonaging nonoxidizing. Clear for easy flow monitoring. Broad chemical resistance. Low gas permeability. Smooth bore. Good for viscous fluids. High dielectric co...

C-FLEX (50 A) Tubing

C-FLEX (50 A) Tubing Advantages: Physical properties similar to silicone with chemical compatibility of TYGON®. Inexpensive. Excellent biocompatibility. Smooth bore. Nontoxic no leachable plasticizers. Lower gas permeability than silicone. Use wit...