
Typ výsledku

Hledali jste: Silicon(IV) oxide, amorphous

61  výsledků nalezeno

BioPharm Plus Platinum-Cured Silicone Tubing

BioPharm Plus Platinum-Cured Silicone Tubing Advantages: Up to three times the working life of other platinum silicone tubings Excellent biocompatibility; no leachable additives DOP or plasticizers; odorless and nontoxic fungus resistant; no taste...

BioPharm Silicone Tubing

BioPharm Silicone Tubing Advantages: Ultra-smooth inner surface. Minimizes particle entrapment. Lower absorption; excellent biocompatibility; no leachable additives DOP or plasticizers. Odorless and nontoxic fungus resistant. No taste imparted to ...

Silicone (peroxide-cured) Tubing

Silicone (peroxide-cured) Tubing Advantages: Excellent biocompatibility; no leachable additives DOP or plasticizers; odorless and nontoxic fungus resistant. No taste imparted to transported fluids. Extremely good at low temperatures. Weather ozone...

Vulcanization of Siloxanes

Vulcanization of Siloxanes For additional flexibility when selecting silicone tubing we now offer two types of silicone tubing platimum and peroxide vulcanized (cured). Both silicone types are USP Class VI approved and FDA compliant and they have ...

C-FLEX (50 A) Tubing

C-FLEX (50 A) Tubing Advantages: Physical properties similar to silicone with chemical compatibility of TYGON®. Inexpensive. Excellent biocompatibility. Smooth bore. Nontoxic no leachable plasticizers. Lower gas permeability than silicone. Use wit...

Masterflex Connection Newsletter Vol.3-2 - Pharmed Tubing

Masterflex Connection Newsletter Vol.3-2 - Pharmed Tubing PharMed tubing outlasts silicone tubing in peristaltic pumps by up to 30 times (up to 10000 hours) simplifying your processes by reducing production downtime due to pump tubing failure. The...


Lysing Matrix for Sample Grinding Optimal cell disruption for any sample type LEARN MORE! mpbio.com mpbio.com2 Lysing Matrix FastPrep® Lysing beads and matrices make difficult-to-lyse samples easy. No matter how tough or resistant your samples are...

Peristaltická čerpadla Masterflex poskytují čistou a přesnou kontrolu nad průtokem kapalin v procesních nástrojích

Peristaltická čerpadla Masterflex poskytují čistou a přesnou kontrolu nad průtokem kapalin v procesních nástrojích Gregg E. Johnson Sr. Global Product Manager Masterflex Bioprocessing USA. Semiconductor manufacturing demands liquid flows within pr...

Čištění izolátorů

Čištění izolátorů Čištění aseptických izolátorů (Compounding Aseptic Isolators CAIS) a digestoří třídy II biologické bezpečnosti (Biological Safety Cabinets BSCS) Aseptické izolátory a digestoře třídy II biologické bezpečnosti se používají v lékár...

Hichrom Catalogue 9

Hichrom Catalogue 9 HICHROM Chromatography Columns and Supplies Hichrom Limited 1 The Markham Centre Station Road Theale Reading Berks RG7 4PE UK Tel: +44 (0)118 930 3660 Fax: +44 (0)118 932 3484 Email: sales@hichrom.co.uk www.hichrom.co.uk Catalo...

Final fill for cell therapy

Final fill for cell therapy The cell therapy drug product is configured in different ways depending on the required delivery of the cells/tissues. For example delivery of chondrocytes for cartilage repair is administered by an injection. Expanded ...

Masterflex Tubing: Questions and Answers

Masterflex Tubing: Questions and Answers Masterflex® Pumps and Pump Tubing... MLFX96403-15 Q: How is Masterflex® pump tubing different from nominal/non-pump tubing? A: Masterflex pump tubing is manufactured to the exact dimensions of Masterflex tu...

Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern

Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern Application Datum: 10.02.2014 Seite 1 von 12 Determination of free Chlorine and total Chlorine in Water and Wastewater Application Datum: 10.02.2014 Seite 2 von 12 Use This method is used for the q...

Masterflex I/P Tubing Options

Masterflex I/P Tubing Options Achieve top performance from your Masterflex I/P pump heads when you use precision-extruded tubing. Tubing is manufactured to tight tolerances that match our I/P pump heads. Choose from precision tubing or high-perfor...

Peristaltická čerpadla – volba hadice přesně na míru kapalině

Peristaltická čerpadla – volba hadice přesně na míru kapalině Considering peristaltic pump tubing performance parameters Reprinted with permission of Putman Media Inc. Originally published in Chemical Processing magazine October 2001 Tubing is an ...

Přehled výběru kolon

Přehled výběru kolon Materiál báze Nejoblíbenějším materiálem pro bázi je silikagel. Po fyzikální stránce je vysoce pevný a jeho povrch lze snadno chemicky modifikovat za vzniku fází vhodných k použití v širokém rozmezí režimů HPLC. Silikagel se v...
1 - 16 of 61