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Hledali jste: Sealing Compounds

241  výsledků nalezeno

3M Ear Classic Information Sheet

The Power to Protect Your WorldSM Discover what makes 3M™ E-A-R™ Classic™ earplugs different As the world’s first foam ear plug the E-A-R Classic earplug revolutionised hearing protection in the workplace. Since its introduction to the market no o...

Instrumentation Mini Symposium: Latest Updates in Preparative Chromatography & Amino Acid Analysis

Instrumentation Mini Symposium: Latest Updates in Preparative Chromatography & Amino Acid Analysis Webinar Thursday 24th June 2021 14:30 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Register now! Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance In ...

Physical measurement

Physical measurement Avantor Physical Measurement Compounds and the materials in them can be identified by measuring their physical structure refractive index melting point or other characteristics. Avantor offers a complete line of measurement pr...

Čištění izolátorů

Čištění izolátorů Čištění aseptických izolátorů (Compounding Aseptic Isolators CAIS) a digestoří třídy II biologické bezpečnosti (Biological Safety Cabinets BSCS) Aseptické izolátory a digestoře třídy II biologické bezpečnosti se používají v lékár...

Gas Chromatography

Gas Chromatography Gas chromatography uses helium hydrogen or other gases to separate identify and quantify sample mixtures with reliable results. This technique is widely used in the food environmental and chemical industries but also has many ot...


Please visit www.omegabiotek.com for a downloadable user manual containing additional protocols troubleshooting tips and ordering information. Quick Guide Omega Bio-tek Inc. | P: 770-931-8400 | info@omegabiotek.com | www.omegabiotek.com QMF28 Revi...

Masterflex Connection Newsletter Vol.2-4 - New L/Sr Cartridges

Masterflex Connection Newsletter Vol.2-4 - New L/Sr Cartridges It's Here! 2200 pages. 100000 products. And full of new products exclusive hard-to-find items and all the basics you expect. Order your FREE copy now! It's bigger and better than ever ...

Masterflex I/P Brushless Process Drive & Handling the Harsh Solutions in WasteWater Applications

Masterflex I/P Brushless Process Drive & Handling the Harsh Solutions in WasteWater Applications Handling the Harsh Solutions in WasteWater Applications Looking for a pump system to handle your water treatment process needs? Look no further— Maste...


GC In gas chromatography sample preparation is critical to obtain the right result. Choosing the right chemicals for your method and application will help you for a succesful analysis. VWR offers a broad range of chemicals for sample preparation o...

Water Purification

Water Purification Featured Solutions Water is essential in preparing cell culture media – contaminats such as microorganism; organic compounds and endotoxins can act as „showstoppers“ in your workflow- check our innovative NEW models and grow you...

Masterflex Connection Newsletter Vol.3-3 - Specialty pump tubing is the winner in those challenging applications

Masterflex Connection Newsletter Vol.3-3 - Specialty pump tubing is the winner in those challenging applications Specialty pump tubing is the winner in those challenging applications Masterflex® tubing pumps are ideal for pumping chemicals. The pe...

How packaging and handling of air- and moisture-sensitive solvents and reagents can increase success in organic synthesis

How packaging and handling of air- and moisture-sensitive solvents and reagents can increase success in organic synthesis Webinar Thursday 18th February 2021 14:00 to 15:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area ...

Merck Chemicals for Technical Industry

Merck Chemicals for Technical Industry Merck is the world leader in chemical analysis offering a broad range of high quality laboratory chemicals for all of your challenging applications. Working together with VWR gives a unique opportunity to obt...

How to improve the reliability of your PCR results

How to improve the reliability of your PCR results Webinar Monday 9th November 2020 11:00 to 12:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Reliable PCR results and contamination avoidance...


Environment A large choice of products and services for complete water analysis on-site and in the laboratory Elektrochemické produkty Measure pH conductivity redox DO or turbidity or a combination of instruments with up to 3 channels Odber vzorie...

Chemicals by brand

Chemicals by brand Apollo Scientific – stavební bloky fluorochemikálie a syntézní činidla heterocyklických a alifatických sloučenin fluorochemikálií a činidel pro přírodní vědy. Díky bezkonkurenčním službám a odborným znalostem v oblasti zajišťová...