Hledali jste: Mechanical Seals
190 výsledků nalezeno
Průmyslová bezpečnost
Průmyslová bezpečnost Rizikové oblasti jsou v různých výrobních prostředích odlišné. Zaměstnavatelé musejí často vytvářet důmyslné systémy pro osobní ochranné prostředky a pracovní oděvy zaměstnanců. Při vytváření bezpečného prostředí které bude z...
Guide to Liquid Pumps
Guide to Liquid Pumps Use the guide below to help you select the best type of pump for your application. This information is intended as a general guideline and will not hold true for all pumps within a classification; check individual pump specif...
New Tubing Formulations and the Latest Pump Head Technology Provide For Highly Reliable Peristaltic Pump Systems
New Tubing Formulations and the Latest Pump Head Technology Provide For Highly Reliable Peristaltic Pump Systems Fiction: A common misconception regarding peristaltic pumps is that the tubing is a major failure point a maintenance headache for use...
AP A9019 qPCR Mycoplasma Test Kit
1 qPCR Mycoplasma Test Kit Real time/qPCR test kit for mycoplasma detection Product code A9019___________________________________________________________________________ j Description The Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit is based on a 5-Nuclease probe...
Genomics There’s no question that genomics is one of the most exciting fields in life science. Whether you are working on the advancement of gene therapies or personalized medicine or using with technologies such as qPCR next generation sequencing...
Hichrom Catalogue 9
Hichrom Catalogue 9 HICHROM Chromatography Columns and Supplies Hichrom Limited 1 The Markham Centre Station Road Theale Reading Berks RG7 4PE UK Tel: +44 (0)118 930 3660 Fax: +44 (0)118 932 3484 Email: sales@hichrom.co.uk www.hichrom.co.uk Catalo...
Solon Manufacturing Facility
Solon Manufacturing Facility Our manufacturing facility in Solon OH include two buildings totaling 275000 sq. feet . Liquid manufacturing Liquid and aseptic processing Powder blending and processing Cleanroom liquid manufacturing and fill/finish C...
From Cell to Therapy
From Cell to Therapy Solutions for your entire workflow From Research to Production A deep understanding of pathological and therapeutic mechanisms at a cellular and molecular level is key for the discovery and use of drugs. By providing solutions...
AP A9019 qPCR Mycoplasma Test Kit
1 qPCR Mycoplasma Test Kit Real time/qPCR test kit for mycoplasma detection Product code A9019___________________________________________________________________________ j Description The Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit is based on a 5-Nuclease probe...
Corning® Spheroid Microplates User Guide In vitro 3D cell culture models are widely recognized as more physiologically relevant systems com- pared to 2D formats. The 3D models reflect more accurately the complex in vivo microenvironment and have b...
pH measurements
pH measurements pH measurements using a pH meter can only be correct and precise when you are using the right buffer for your instrument. Depending on the instrument and your pH measurement range different buffer solutions and different temperatur...
Jak zvolit správný způsob dávkování kapaliny pro váš proces
Jak zvolit správný způsob dávkování kapaliny pro váš proces Gravimetric vs Volumetric Ensured accuracy in the fluid dispensing or dosing system is critical to the success of many processes and experiments—from making sure the right amount of crush...
Průmyslová lepidla a pásky
Průmyslová lepidla a pásky Vaše každodenní problémy jsou vyřešeny. Každý den. Lepicí pásky s vysokou pevností 3M VHB Pásky 3M™ VHB™ vám umožní být konzistentní od náčrtu po konstrukci a eliminovat rušivé viditelné spojovací prvky jako jsou šrouby ...
Genomics There’s no question that genomics is one of the most exciting fields in life science. Whether you are working on the advancement of gene therapies or personalized medicine or using with technologies such as qPCR next generation sequencing...
Zdravotní péče
Zdravotní péče Zdravotní péče od společnosti Avantor Společnost Avantor poskytuje pro zdravotní péči komplexní řadu produktů vybavení a spotřebního materiálu které nemocnice a zdravotnická zařízení potřebují k udržení aseptického prostředí a tím p...
New Tubing Formulations and the Latest Pump Head Technology Provide For Highly Reliable Peristaltic Pump Systems
New Tubing Formulations and the Latest Pump Head Technology Provide For Highly Reliable Peristaltic Pump Systems Fiction: A common misconception regarding peristaltic pumps is that the tubing is a major failure point a maintenance headache for use...
129 - 144 of 190