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Hledali jste: Média mikrobiologická

357  výsledků nalezeno

Dissolution testing

Dissolution testing Dissolution media preparation can be a time consuming task when done manually. J.T.Baker® DILUT-IT™ dissolution media concentrates are pre-mixed concentrates that significantly reduce the amount of time and expense required to ...

Media and Buffer Preparation Services Accelerate Scientific Research

Media and Buffer Preparation Services Accelerate Scientific Research Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Challenge One of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies wanted to accelerate the process of dr...

Smart Note: Does laboratory filtration of culture media affect cell growth?

Smart Note: Does laboratory filtration of culture media affect cell growth? notes QA Does laboratory filtration of culture media affect cell growth? smart Thermo Scientific Nalgene Rapid-Flow Filters design & innovation Laboratory filtration of cu...

Media and Buffer Preparation Services Accelerate Scientific Research

Media and Buffer Preparation Services Accelerate Scientific Research Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Challenge One of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies wanted to accelerate the process of dr...

Média & doplňky VWR

Média & doplňky VWR nabízí široké portfolio médií a doplňků. Vyrobeny podle aktuálních standardů, umožní vám optimalizovat vaše média a pomůžou ochránit proti toxickým látkám.. Granulovaná dehydratovaná média Hotová média Přísady, doplňky a základ...

Rýchle vyhľadávanie použitím pomôcky pri výbere

Rýchle vyhľadávanie použitím pomôcky pri výbere Vyberte si VWR vyhľadávacie nástroje ktoré vám uľahčia s nájdením produktov. Pre každú kategóriu môžete zadefinovať špecifické kritériá ktoré spresnia vyhľadávanie. Výber produktu sa tak zjednoduší p...

Smart Note: Does laboratory filtration of culture media affect cell growth?

Smart Note: Does laboratory filtration of culture media affect cell growth? notes QA Does laboratory filtration of culture media affect cell growth? smart Thermo Scientific Nalgene Rapid-Flow Filters design & innovation Laboratory filtration of cu...

Product Selector Guides

Product Selector Guides Aditíva a doplnky pre mikrobiológiu Potrebujete aditíva a suplementy pre kultivačné médiá v mikrobiológii? Použitím pomôcky na vyhľadávanie „Aditíva a doplnky pre mikrobiológiu“ môžete rýchlo nájsť svoj produkt (vajcový žĺt...

Testování rozpouštění

Testování rozpouštění Akce Chemické inovace Kontakty Bezpečnostní listy & Certifikáty Certifikáty Kategorie produktů Koncentráty disolučních médií J.T.Baker® DILUT-IT™ jsou předem změřené a k vytvoření okamžitě použitelného disolučního média je st...

Antibiotic Packaging Case Study

Antibiotic Packaging Case Study NEED Due to regulatory and customer concerns a life science company needed to segregate production of antibiotic-containing reagents from locations where culture media is manufactured for drug therapies. SOLUTION VW...

Cell culture

Cell culture Both autologous and allogeneic cells are obtained from donors utilizing methods including but not limited to apheresis aspirates and surgical biopsies. The donor cells of interest are processed to remove undesirable contaminants and p...

Cell culture

Cell culture Both autologous and allogeneic cells are obtained from donors utilizing methods including but not limited to apheresis aspirates and surgical biopsies. The donor cells of interest are processed to remove undesirable contaminants and p...


Production The challenges of production include the scaling up of laboratory processes processing and production management personal and product safety. VWR are able to provide support in this environment from raw materials to hygiene control. We ...


Purification Sortiment produktov Tris and biobuffers pH adjusters (acid) pH adjusters (base) Salts Chromatography media Cleaning reagents"Purification Sortiment produktov Tris and biobuffers pH adjusters (acid) pH adjusters (base) Salts Chromatogr...


Biofarmaceutika „Expresní“ rychlost pro expresi proteinů POTŘEBA Biofarmaceutická společnost s inovativní technologií pro rychlou expresi terapeutických proteinů v nebuněčných systémech požádala divizi služeb zakázkové výroby společnosti VWR o výr...

Cell Biology: Suppliers, Products, & Resources

Cell Biology Cells are the fundamental unit of life. That’s why when you are focused on cell biology you need a supplier who can provide all the tools products and supplies you need to keep your lab functioning at its peak. You can be concerned wi...